Account created on 11 November 2021, over 3 years ago

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Since this is my first time to making a patch (acutually using git), if there is something wrong please let me know.

I uploaeded a patch using a 2.0.x branch.

What i did
1. clone 2.0.x branch to local system
2. modified two files
3. created a patch with command git diff > 3337149-Drupal10-compatibility-fixes.patch
4. Upload the patch file with this comment. Test with option: Do not test

I hope this works. Thank you very much in advance.

I found that I made a mistake when I set up the condition of my custom_library definition.
I should have selected theme properly. Default was claro.

After I changed @app.root to %app.root% and installed this module without an error, the module function is working properly.

It seems installation was successfully done. I could define my custom libraries from library_manager's standard user interface.
I could save the definition and some js and css files are properly generated in sites/default/files/libraries/.
But my custom library files are not loaded when I open node pages.

I guess this workaround only worked to complete installation process. It does not help this module to work on D10 in my case.

After installation I tried to use @app.root instead of %app.root% in service.yml file, it resulted in "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."

I had the same problem. visiting update.php and did database update solved this issue.

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