@ajay mohan kumar

Account created on 10 November 2021, about 3 years ago

Recent comments

Task listed in todoist list is closing when complete button is clicked.
It is reflecting properly in Todoist application aswell.

Tested done in Drupal 10.3
PhP : 8.2.12
MariaDb : 10.4.32

Added task can be edited by clicking "Edit" button.
All 3 availble fields can be edited and saved.
The edited information is saving properly and is reflecting in Todoist application.
Edit Functionality Works Fine.

Tested done in Drupal 10.3
PhP : 8.2.12
MariaDb : 10.4.32

New task in todoist list can be added successfully by clicking "Add New Task" button.
Saved task is properly reflecting in Todoist application aswell.

Tested done in Drupal 10.3
PhP : 8.2.12
MariaDb : 10.4.32

Task listed in todoist list is deleting when Delete button is clicked.
It is reflecting properly in Todoist application aswell.

Tested done in Drupal 10.3
PhP : 8.2.12
MariaDb : 10.4.32

The Todoist configuration is saving the API token of Tosist application user.
And is further working as expected.

Tested done in Drupal 10.3
PhP : 8.2.12
MariaDb : 10.4.32

Task Due date is displaying proper timings for the tasks which were created.
Need to check the task due date(Timings) in todoist list.

The minutes place is showing __:12 for all the saved data.
PFA the screenshot below.

Creating a new task in todoist list can be done properly.
It is reflecting in Todoist application perfectly.
NO Issues in the create task functionality.
Working as expected.

Drupal version :10.3
php : 8.2.12
MariaDB : 10.4.32

Editing a existing task in todoist list is functionally working properly.
All three available fields are editable and It is reflecting properly after saving.
There is a Reset button beside save, That button is not functionally working. Please check on that.

I tested it by adding the todoist contrib module on my D-10.3
As per the above statements I can able to save the Api token in todoist configuration, But after saving I can't able to traverse to the Todoist list page.
I am attaching the screenshot which I am redirecting to.

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