The hook user_update_10000 seems to be related to Drupal 10, can you update the Drupal version of this issue to 11.x?
fabienscotto β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
- Drupal version warning message (on the top) can be more consistent across all pages.
- Should we remove the SASS reference at this line "It may contain other files such as CSS, JavaScript, source files (Sass, etc), images, documentation, etc" SASS compilation does not work by default.
Same issue on rabbit_hole_update_8106() after update pathauto & rabit_hole on D10.
[error] The "node_type" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\rules\Core\ConditionManager are: context, user_status, view_inclusion, request_domain, request_path_exclusion, context_all, http_status_code, response_code, language, rules_path_alias_exists, rules_data_comparison, rules_node_is_sticky, rules_path_has_alias, rules_entity_has_field, rules_entity_is_new, rules_list_count_is, rules_node_is_published, rules_list_contains, rules_entity_is_of_bundle, rules_entity_is_of_type, rules_entity_field_access, rules_text_comparison, rules_node_is_of_type, rules_user_is_blocked, rules_data_is_empty, rules_user_has_role, rules_node_is_promoted, rules_token_compare_data_with_token, rules_token_compare_token_with_token, response_status, request_path, current_theme, user_role, webform, entity_bundle:block_content, entity_bundle:comment, entity_bundle:contact_message, entity_bundle:crop, entity_bundle:media, entity_bundle:menu_link_content, entity_bundle:node, entity_bundle:redirect, entity_bundle:shortcut, entity_bundle:taxonomy_term, entity_bundle:webform_submission, entity_bundle:paragraph
It's related to the pathauto module and the hook update pathauto_update_8108(), see 3356728 π¬ The "node_type" plugin does not exist - upgrade from D9 to D10 Closed: cannot reproduce . pathauto_update_8108() must be executed before rabbit_hole_update_8106().
This is how I solved the problem:
drush eval 'include_once(DRUPAL_ROOT . "/modules/contrib/pathauto/pathauto.install"); pathauto_update_8108()'
drush updb
The DocBlock in InlineEntityFormBase::getEntityTypeLabels() function appear to be conform to the expected standards. I've conducted tests using PHPCS (PHP CodeSniffer) with the Drupal coding standards, and it returned with 0 errors. Great job!