🇮🇳India @Devashish Jangid

Account created on 6 September 2021, over 3 years ago

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🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

You can use this in twig {{ file_url(content.field_poster.0.entity.uri.value) }}, and use this for src.
Hope this will help

🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

just a suggestion if that works for you, use

$plateforme->set('is_maintenance', true)

, replace the variable

🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

Hello Bob

Cross check by printing $_POST or request object post parameters variables and if the values are there, so this way you will be sure if the issue is with form state.

🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

Hello Andrew

As you mentioned that the filter is in use in your site, so you can replace the module[insert_block] directory with the new module as it is using the same pattern to replace the block identifier with the actual block so it will not break your application. But before that I recommend take backup of [insert_block] module and take backup of database, in case you have any issue you can revert it.


🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

Hello Cristian
The purpose of this folder is to store configuration files, those we can export from both drush and admin panel, you already mentioned the drush command, but you can also do this via admin /admin/config/development/configuration/full/export. Here you can export all or selected configuration. If you don't know what kind of configuration files saved here, for that I can provide you an example, as you can create views in drupal so you can export entire configuration definition of that view in a config file which will have a .yml extension. This is useful when you work with repository.

Hope this will help.
Thank you   

🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

Hello GravityBites

It is better if you can provide some screenshots for created view and vocabulary/terms, but still I am trying to address the issue. From the description of issue you provide, you created a new vocabulary named "Blog Tag" and there is also a default vocabulary present in drupal named as "Tags" and when you enter something in this tag's input box, it create new term in this vocabulary. So my assumption is on the add/edit article page you are using default tags and in your view you may be using "Blog Tag" and that might cause the issue you are facing.

Hope this will help

🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

For views page you can you can you some contributed module, but for node add page, as this is a common page for all node type entity so there is not direct method. For this you need to do some code by using hook_preprocess_breadcrumb. Here on the node add page you can pass view id as query parameter in url such as ?view_id=my_view_id and this in the hook you can check this view id get its url and title and set it in the breadcrumb at your desired place. 

🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

Hello Gae58 →
Not able to understand whether you need the breadcrumb link on view page or on the node add page. Please provide more information.

Thank you

🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

Hello ceccoo →

There is nothing in permission mechanism to restrict specific kind of submission to a specific role. So you need to enable view permission on the webform submission and need to add role permission on the views(Default/Block) and need to add a filter in the view so that your view will render only specific type of webform submissions.

Other than that you may need to do it view custom code.

Hope this will make sense to you.

Thank you

🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

Glad to know that you found the issue .

🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

Hello Senzaesclusiva

As per your description of the issue it seems that there may be some code related issue which might stop the execution of the page, the issue might be in template or some theme related hook, not sure about that. I am saying this because sidebar comes after main content, and for the content you override the template. You can confirm this if reaming section of your page are displaying such as footer and if other sections are also not displaying that it might be some issue in the template you are overriding.

Thank you

🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

I am guessing here that this issue might be due to select list field, where an option which you are trying to set is not available in the option list of the field, creating the option should fix the error.

🇮🇳India Devashish Jangid

Hello Valica,

This is how views work, at the time of creating a new view if you have selected type as the index of the search api then it will show the fields related to that index only, if you like to have another field which is not there in datasource/index you need add in the index and it will be available. So according to me there is no issue, here you need to decide what kind of view you like to create. The main reason of this in this specific condition is that date will be rendered from your datasource so you need to query it on the basis of those fields which are available there.
Hope this will help.

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