🇧🇾Belarus @VasiliyRepin

Account created on 8 March 2021, about 4 years ago

Recent comments

🇧🇾Belarus VasiliyRepin Minsk

#57 doesn't work with new versions (2.0.9+)

🇧🇾Belarus VasiliyRepin Minsk

For using in ajax Views perfect Slider better than Ui - Facets range NoUiSlider
you need to apply #57 and after need to apply this patch.

🇧🇾Belarus VasiliyRepin Minsk

#57 I have been tested this patch. It works good for my tasks! Thanks!

🇧🇾Belarus VasiliyRepin Minsk

#30 works perfectly! Thanks a lot!

🇧🇾Belarus VasiliyRepin Minsk

#270 doesn't work with facets_block module. I need this module very much, because project have teens facet blocks.

🇧🇾Belarus VasiliyRepin Minsk

Thank you for your report! I will test it soon.

🇧🇾Belarus VasiliyRepin Minsk

I'm still having this bug. I'm use Drupal Commerce. Block with commerce products disappeared.

<span data-big-pipe-placeholder-id="callback=Drupal%5Cblock%5CBlockViewBuilder%3A%3AlazyBuilder&amp;args%5B0%5D=views_block__frontpage_products_block_1&amp;args%5B1%5D=full&amp;args%5B2%5D&amp;token=ASqtYUsg34Tt0QgwBdweGeBB2vj6r50LC9lj4QaMtMk">

<!-- THEME DEBUG -->
<!-- THEME HOOK: 'big_pipe_interface_preview' -->
   * big-pipe-interface-preview--block--full.html.twig
   * big-pipe-interface-preview--block--views-block--frontpage-products-block-1.html.twig
   * big-pipe-interface-preview--block.html.twig
   x big-pipe-interface-preview.html.twig
<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/big_pipe/templates/big-pipe-interface-preview.html.twig' -->

<!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/big_pipe/templates/big-pipe-interface-preview.html.twig' -->

🇧🇾Belarus VasiliyRepin Minsk

See this module implementation with many settings of NoUiSlider and input/inputs fields and keyboard interaction!

🇧🇾Belarus VasiliyRepin Minsk

@mkalkbrenner Thank you a lot!
In my case unchecking "Ensure that only one result can be displayed" option solved my problem!

🇧🇾Belarus VasiliyRepin Minsk

#31 patch works fine in my case for Product Default Variation Price & Variation Price union price (Product + Product Variation entities in one table).
Thank u!

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