we actually implemented the whole client library architecture for web-components support and we do use web-components internally, we contributed those simple elements because we thought not everyone would like to use them since web-components are encapsulated and hard to re-style / adapt
we recently added the "custom-element" inputs for the ui config (we used to have it only as an internal extension for the module), so the backend and config currently already support web components, and you can implement your own library easily
we started to prepare a wc library for contribution but since we decided to go for the simple ts/js/css elements it was left behind
maybe it's time to work on a simple web-component library too, our starting point would be this: https://git.1xinternet.de/1x-contrib-modules/xsearch-elements
it would be a parallel repository, next to this one: https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_decoupled_client_ui → and in the future we could include it as a selectable option directly in the module
would be nice to have contributors / maintainers for that kind of library, let us know if you are interested!
JSnow11 → created an issue.