🇧🇪Belgium @mowgli4811

Account created on 3 February 2021, over 3 years ago

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🇧🇪Belgium mowgli4811

This was it! Thank you, I'm now on the latest version without issues :)

🇧🇪Belgium mowgli4811

Hey doxigo, have you had the chance to take a look?
Maybe I should mention that this is my first time trying to update Radix.
Should I do something extra on top of "composer upgrade" maybe?

🇧🇪Belgium mowgli4811

Switching between beta12 and beta17 without changing anything else, is how I made the screenshots. If the only thing I do is update/downgrade radix, and stuff gets messed up, is it still possible that another module is causing this?

🇧🇪Belgium mowgli4811

Hi Doxigo

I'm not getting an error. The actual link just disappeared from the html when updating to the new beta.
See the attached screenshots.

In the Twig file of my teaser component, I use this to extract the link:

<div id="teaser-link">
    {{ content.links }}
🇧🇪Belgium mowgli4811

#2 didn't work for me. Composer couldn't apply the patch. Drupal 10.2.3 Smart Date 4.0.3

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