Account created on 11 January 2021, about 4 years ago

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@vishal-choudhary – Yes, I am able to install menu_token:9.1.x-dev successfully with composer. But it is still not working! My configuration is Drupal 10.2.4, PHP 8.1.27.
1. I am trying to insert the [node:nid] token in the path, and am able to configure it in the menu. (image1.png)
2. However, there is no indication that this menu “Uses Tokens”, as there is in the D7 working version. (image2.png)
3. When the user navigates to the menu link, the token is not interpreted – instead, the path looks like this:
4. I can no longer find errors in the PHP logs or the Drupal logs regarding this module. Also, I tried another token related to user, [current-user:uid], and that doesn’t work either.
This module helped me navigate all of my menus in D7. Can someone suggest an alternative that will do the same in D10?

@chadwickked - thank you for confirming that you too are having difficulties with the Version: 2.0.0-alpha2 (Works with Drupal: ^8.8 || ^9 || ^10). @glynster - can you please be specific with what version you used with great success? And what version of Drupal you were using? I am documenting this issue along with other D10 module readiness issues in the D10readiness slack channel.

Can anyone provide a status of the Nodeaccess module for Drupal 10? I used this module very successfully in Drupal 7 to tie edit rights of specific nodes to specific users. I installed it for Drupal 10 (Version: 2.0.0-alpha2), and it doesn’t function properly. Specifically:
1) I assigned edit rights of a node to a specific user, and now that user can’t see Views of nodes they should be able to see (the View permission is set to View Published Content), and
2) The user can edit specific nodes they should only be able to view, per the permissions established in the Nodeaccess module. The Nodeaccess module is not taking precedence over the built-in permissions established on admin/people/permissions, as it did in Drupal 7.

The module project page states that “Nodeaccess 8/9 needs some TLC”. Will it ever be working for Drupal 10? Can someone recommend another reliable module or method that will provide certain users specific permissions to nodes? A module that will take precedence over the built-in permissions, and work with other module permissions, such as Views?

@josh - thank you so much! Both for the explanation of why the patch didn't install, and for being able to replicate this error. I will keep watching for the fix, as my navigational menus in the D7 site are heavily reliant on [node:nid] being translated in the path. thank you again, Caroline

@joshf, appreciate you getting back to me, but the patch in #2 is not applying for Drupal 10.1.6, PHP 8.1.25, menu_token 9.1.0-alpha1 or 9.1.x-dev. I applied it manually to menu_token 9.1.0-alpha1, as the 9.1.x-dev folder structure doesn’t even support the patch. I am trying to use the token [node:nid] in my menu path, and the result when navigating to that path is the [node:nid] is not expanded properly ([node%3Anid]), and I receive the WSOD. The error in the access log indicates that %5Bnode%3Anid%5D is attempting to be retrieved. Appreciate if someone would work on the D10 version of this module, making sure that the token [node:nid] can be interpreted in the menu path. Thank you.

I experienced the same issue as fehin. Earlier versions of Drupal 10 would allow installation of this module, but as of 10.1.5, it can’t even be installed. Can a Drupal 10 version of this module be published soon? Drupal 9 is EOL at the end of November 2023. There are many of us trying diligently to migrate to Drupal 10, but important modules are not yet ready for Drupal 10. This module is important for site navigation and integrates with the path wildcard and contextual filter capability of Views.

I am running 7.98, Node Export 7.x-3.1, and PHP 8.1.23 and still receive this error.

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