I'm facing a similar problem with ckeditor5. I've created a function intended to eliminate the data-entity-type and data-entity-uuid upon clicking. However, it currently only detaches the text, leaving the data attributes unchanged. I'm in the process of developing a converter to address this issue by removing the attributes while preserving the text, if that clarifies my approach.
// Method to handle unlinking a file
unlinkFileCommand() {
const { editor } = this;
const { model } = this.editor;
const { selection } = model.document;
let isUnlinkingInProgress = false;
// Execute the 'unlink' command to remove the link from the selected text.
// This single block wraps all changes that should be in a single undo step.
model.change(() => {
// Now, in this single "undo block" let the unlink command flow naturally.
isUnlinkingInProgress = true;
// Do the unlinking within a single undo step.
// Let's make sure the next unlinking will also be handled.
isUnlinkingInProgress = false;
// The actual integration that removes the extra attribute.
model.change((writer) => {
// Get ranges to unlink.
let ranges;
const attributeNames = ['data-entity-type', 'data-entity-uuid'];
if (selection.isCollapsed) {
ranges = [
selection.getAttribute(attributeNames[0]), // Assuming both attributes have the same value.
} else {
ranges = model.schema.getValidRanges(
// Remove the extra attribute from specified ranges.
for (const range of ranges) {
attributeNames.forEach((attr) => {
writer.removeAttribute(attr, range);
Here's the patch.
matthew.page β created an issue.
I'm on Drupal 10.1.8, Ckeditor5. It looks like editor_file and edit_advanced_link modules are sharing this editor_file_dialog window. But the advanced attributes do not work. I noticed Ckeditor5 is actually using their tooltip, balloon (whatever you want to call this tooltip) to add these fields for the edit_advanced_link module. Hence, I'm wondering why this editor_file_dialog is even needed. Was this used for the for Ckeditor4 - 5 conversion?
Here's the patch. This unsets the advanced attribute fields. That way when you use editor_file module, these fields will be hidden since they do not work.
matthew.page β created an issue.
matthew.page β created an issue.