🇪🇸Spain JoseFran
This solution not apply in drupal 10 and JSON:API Extras 3.23v. temporarily you can use next patch until resolved.
🇪🇸Spain JoseFran
I ran into this problem today. With drupal 10.0.4 and Client-side Hierarchical Select v4.0.0
🇪🇸Spain JoseFran
I am interested in prove this funcionality. How can i apply a patch? I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
🇪🇸Spain JoseFran
🇪🇸Spain JoseFran
🇪🇸Spain JoseFran
🇪🇸Spain JoseFran
JoseFran → created an issue.
🇪🇸Spain JoseFran
Apply patch from #35 cause us the next error about DependencyInjection.
ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Drupal\commerce_recurring\RecurringOrderManager::__construct(), 2 passed in /var/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection
Testing with commerce_recurring v1.0.0-rc1.