Rhein-Main Area
Account created on 13 September 2020, over 4 years ago

Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

I try manually deleting this line. And the error still exists. I did drush cr after.
I will try tomorrow again.

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

Which is the duplicated ticket?

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

#11 worked for me:

  1. Adding package "northernco/ckeditor5-anchor-drupal"
  2. composer require northernco/ckeditor5-anchor-drupal
🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

I think, the solution will be released soon.

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

#39 solves the issue with endless redirection.

I am missing this patch (with checking the new two collections "system.js_asset" and "system.css_asset") in the newest release 1.9.

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

#19 worked for me:

Change the content of the file translatable_menu_link_uri.install:

Code is not in the 2.1. or @dev

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

Worked for me, changing the file translatable_menu_link_uri.install with the patch 3259442 of:

But I could not find the correction in the @dev. So I update manually:

wget https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/translatable_menu_link_uri-3259442/-/raw/3259442-redo-update-hooks/translatable_menu_link_uri.install?inline=false
mv 'translatable_menu_link_uri.install?inline=false' translatable_menu_link_uri.install
mv modules/contrib/translatable_menu_link_uri/translatable_menu_link_uri.install modules/contrib/translatable_menu_link_uri/translatable_menu_link_uri.install_SAVE
mv translatable_menu_link_uri.install modules/contrib/.
🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

#4 worked for me (Drupal 10.2.1)

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

#2 worked for me (Drupal 10.2.1)

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

Patch #2 works to fix the problem for me, too.

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

Please make it DSGVO conform.

This means: external libraries must be allowed before loading.

I fixed it very dirty with these lines, and after that I load the map manually:

sed -i -e s/'"geolocation-map-container'/'"NOTALLOWgeolocation-map-container'/ modules/contrib/geolocation/templates/geolocation-map-wrapper.html.twig
sed -i -e s/' js-show'/' NOTALLOWjs-show'/ modules/contrib/geolocation/templates/geolocation-map-wrapper.html.twig
sed -i -e s/'attach: function (context, drupalSettings) {'/'attach: function (context, drupalSettings) {\n      return false;'/ modules/contrib/geolocation/js/geolocation-map.js

sed -i -e s/'$libraries = \[\];'/'$libraries = \[\];\
return $libraries;'/ modules/contrib/geolocation/modules/geolocation_google_maps/geolocation_google_maps.module

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

Sorry, with only update to the right time, I do not delete the module and got the error.
After update, the backend values are:

  • "products_new"
  • "block_paragraphlist"

The problem is on an own created paragraph type "productlist" with a field "field_productlist_product_ref" with an entity reference to another node type. The manage display for the ref field (field_productlist_product_ref) is the formatter "Views render entity ref field formatter" with the 2 values from top (products_new, block_paragraphlist).

If I change the format to another like "FlexSlider (Entity view)" it looks like the result I had (2 items in a slick-slider).

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area
  • $view is null (so no object)
  • $view_id is the system name of a paragraphs_type
  • $display_id value is "block_paragraphlist"
  • $entities value is [{"in_preview":null},{"in_preview":null},{"in_preview":null},{"in_preview":null}]
🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

Update via Backend with Drupal 9.3.9 from Metatag 8.x-1.19 to 8.x-1.26 I got this error:

ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Drupal\metatag\MetatagManager::__construct(), 5 passed in /web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php on line 262 and exactly 9 expected in Drupal\metatag\MetatagManager->__construct() (Zeile 119 in /web/modules/metatag/metatag/src/MetatagManager.php)
#0 /web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php(262): Drupal\metatag\MetatagManager->__construct(
🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

# 2 works for me.

I moved modul version with 2.x to directory contrib (mv modules/admin_toolbar modules/contrib), clear cache, update db, composer require 'drupal/admin_toolbar:^3.4', update db, clear cache.

I also removed cached files:
rm -rf sites/default/files/php
rm -rf sites/default/files/js
rm -rf sites/default/files/css

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

I make this to change the directory without loosing data:

  • move MODULE in contrib
  • clear cache
  • updatedb
  • composer require MODULE
  • clear cache
🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

I got this error on updating Drupal 9.5.11 to Drupal 10 with composer.

This is also in other modules, the same file.

To find all the affected files:
find ./ -type f -exec grep -Hni "getSubscribedEvents() {" {} \;

Shell command for 1 file:

sed -i 's/getSubscribedEvents() {/getSubscribedEvents():array {/g' ./modules/contrib/entity_usage_light/src/Routing/RouteSubscriber.php

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

This is also in other modules, the same file.

Add function with ":array":

sed -i 's/getSubscribedEvents() {/getSubscribedEvents():array {/g' ./modules/contrib/entity_usage_light/src/Routing/RouteSubscriber.php

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

I found in Drupal logs:

Recursive rendering detected when rendering entity media: 3, using the field_parapage_media field on the node:news 3 entity. Aborting rendering.

so I think it's the recursive problem of a node type "paragraph page" with a view of search indexed content

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

Today I got this (Drupal 10.1.5 Search Api 8.x-1.30):

I install theme (for new node type), install module (with content for node type):
Now this is correct:
[warning] The field Rendered item (rendered_item) on index Default content index is missing view mode configuration for some datasources or bundles. Please review (and re-save) the field settings.

Then I do:
drush cex, drush cim, drush cr (workflow see https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api/issues/3393946 🐛 Highlight excerpts in frontend only works with twig files with an initial activation of option excerpt_always Closed: works as designed )

 [success] Configuration successfully exported to sites/default/files/config_sync.
 [notice] There are no changes to import.
 [warning] The field %field_label (rendered_item) on index Default content index is missing view mode configuration for some datasources or bundles. Please review (and re-save) the field settings.
 [success] Cache rebuild complete.

The string with %field_label was not solved with a value. Maybe no fallback?

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

I tested today again. I also can not reproduce it. Maybe it seems to be an indexed, Drupal or twig cached problem.
It worked fine after reindex or flush cache.

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

when I install my custom theme and after that I set config via drush for excerpt_always to true then it worked in the frontend. If I deactivate it, the field is empty (only in the frontend). Preview of view is correct.

drush config:set --input-format=yaml search_api.index.default_index processor_settings.highlight "{\
   weights: {postprocess_query: 0} \
   , prefix: '<strong>' ,\
   suffix: '</strong>'\
   , excerpt: true\
   , excerpt_always: true\
   , excerpt_length: 256\
   , exclude_fields: {}\
   , highlight: always\
   , highlight_partial: true\
🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

@ravi-kant I only use core media

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

A translated node with paragraphs only should be able to edit/translate like a translator would do.
Changing the order or delete/add one item should ONLY be done from/with the original node (Original language)

After adding/deleting/moving a paragraph from the original language node, then the translator must visit the other translation (with the not yet setted translated values) and should have the fallback field and could now update this field for this language.

Otherwise, a translator would be able to delete/update/move the paragraphs, that's not the work of a translator.

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

May it will a problem with an HTML attribute "ID" from a paragraph library item?
On a page, there could be multiple referenced paragraphs, but HTML websites only allow having 1 element with the same ID.

Maybe instead of attribute "id" use "data-id" or a class like "paragraph-id-123"?

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

Like #30 I had a core media entity translated to a second (not default) language.
I try to create first the translation without changes (like #26). After having a translated media entity, I edit the translated media and remove the image and upload a new image (and set alt to "de"). After saving, the error occurs.

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

A format_size is also in media for the image type (/admin/structure/media/manage/image/fields/media.image.field_media_image):

For this feature, an author does not know the large number and can enter the short version. I think this is only an author friendly plain textfield for technical numbers.

I think the problem would be also on these settings, if the localized ending "МБ" will NOT match for "MB".

Maybe it is a core problem for this field/setting, if there is a wrong match, no errors will be shown.

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

Only an idea or quick fix for alt field.

I added 3 lines (src/Form/MediaBulkUploadForm.php) to get a nice alt text for the alt field from given by the filename

$pathinfo = pathinfo($file->getFilename());
$alt = ucfirst(str_replace("_"," ",$pathinfo['filename']));
'alt' => $alt,

code in patchfile: media_bulk_upload-3023825-60.patch

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

I do:

  1. download media_bulk_upload (3.0.2)
  2. comoser require drupal/dropzonejs enyo/dropzone
  3. composer require 'drupal/media_bulk_upload:^3.0'
  4. fixed composer.json for extra.merge-plugin
  5. composer config allow-plugins.wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin true
  6. compser require drupal/dropzonejs enyo/dropzone:^5.7.2
  7. composer require wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin
  8. enable media_bulk_upload (3.0.2)
  9. enable media_bulk_upload_dropzonejs (3.0.2), dropzonejs (8.x-2.8)

After that, I used patches:

Result are:

  1. Upload Media on Submit-Form (with empty alt&title fields) will sendet (requirements are failed but go through)
  2. Empty Alt-& Title fields in the new media

What I would need
Fallback of filename (without ending) for the alt field (if required), also title (if required).
Overwriting alt & title (with save metadata) is ok, but normally this is no need in a massive upload of images.

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

I upload a media video on drupal 10.0.8 (php 8.1.21).

the upload is limited on "2 MB" on the server.

so i changed via php.ini to

upload_max_filesize = 16M
post_max_size = 16M

after that change, i could upload the video, but there occurs the error:
Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException: No contextual ids specified. in Drupal\contextual\ContextualController->render() (line 66 of /webroot/core/modules/contextual/src/ContextualController.php).

Drupal shows the Error (german)
Ein nicht behebbarer Fehler ist aufgetreten. Die Datei hat wahrscheinlich die maximale Dateigröße (16 MB) überschritten, die dieser Server unterstützt.

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

I made a Drupal 10 new system with composer (create-project \
drupal/recommended-project:10.1.1) and drush.

I try to require with composer:

  • wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin
  • oomphinc/composer-installers-extender
  • drupal/dropzonejs enyo/dropzone

I got errors on enabling:

[error] Unable to install module 'dropzonejs' due to unmet requirement(s):
- Dropzonejs requires the dropzone.min.js library.
Download it (https://github.com/enyo/dropzone) and place it in the
libraries folder (/libraries)

So I have no folder like /libraries in my webroot.

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

#9 worked for me: addding theme dependancy "core/loadjs"

🇩🇪Germany thomaswalther Rhein-Main Area

Version dev worked for me. But not the 1.22 also with cleared cached before update.

I had installed version 1.19 (D9.3.3 with php7.4) and update to 1.22 (D9.5.5 with php 8.1.14)

This is my error. Maybe it will help you as info:

ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Drupal\metatag\MetatagManager::__construct(), 5 passed in /webroot/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php on line 259 and exactly 9 expected in /webroot/modules/metatag/src/MetatagManager.php on line 119 #0 /webroot/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php(259): Drupal\metatag\MetatagManager->__construct()
#1 /webroot/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php(177): Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService()
#2 /webroot/core/lib/Drupal.php(197): Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get()
#3 /webroot/modules/metatag/metatag.module(483): Drupal::service()
#4 /webroot/modules/metatag/metatag.module(451): metatag_get_tags_from_route()
#5 [internal function]: metatag_preprocess_html()
#6 /webroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Theme/ThemeManager.php(287): call_user_func_array()
#7 /webroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php(433): Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManager->render()
#8 /webroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php(204): Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->doRender()
#9 /webroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php(148): Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->render()
#10 /webroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php(580): Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->Drupal\Core\Render\{closure}()
#11 /webroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php(149): Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->executeInRenderContext()
#12 /webroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/BareHtmlPageRenderer.php(66): Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->renderRoot()
#13 /webroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/ProxyClass/Render/BareHtmlPageRenderer.php(76): Drupal\Core\Render\BareHtmlPageRenderer->renderBarePage()
#14 /webroot/core/authorize.php(197): Drupal\Core\ProxyClass\Render\BareHtmlPageRenderer->renderBarePage()
#15 {main}

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