🇲🇦Morocco @redamakhchan

Account created on 9 June 2020, over 4 years ago

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🇲🇦Morocco redamakhchan

Facing the same issue only when i want to edit one of my custom content types, it takes too much time to show the edit page (I added more php memory_limit), then it shows this error about MySQL. I don't know why this started happening suddenly (on production), am still inspecting about the issue as temporary fix, as I said I increased memory_limit on php.ini, and max_allowed_packet on my.cnf.

🇲🇦Morocco redamakhchan

ok found it I think $fonts returned on web/modules/contrib/captcha/modules/image_captcha/src/Service/ImageCaptchaRenderService.php:97:

  public function generateImage($code) {
    $fonts = _image_captcha_get_enabled_fonts();

Are not the same as $fonts returned on web/modules/contrib/captcha/modules/image_captcha/image_captcha.module:52 :

function _image_captcha_get_font_uri($token = NULL) {
  $fonts = [
  $available_fonts = _image_captcha_get_available_fonts_from_directories();
  foreach ($available_fonts as $file_token => $font_info) {
    $fonts[$file_token] = $font_info['uri'];
  return ((!empty($token) && !empty($fonts[$token])) ? $fonts[$token] : $fonts);

What fixed the issue for me is to do drush updb, after doing it I started to see common fonts.

🇲🇦Morocco redamakhchan

I'm facing the same issue after I did a composer update today, for #04 🐛 Error 500 in image_captcha image Closed: cannot reproduce , the param is already a token I confirm (key value of the $fonts).

Just the $fonts recieved on param at captcha/modules/image_captcha/src/Service/ImageCaptchaRenderService.php:293, are not the same $available_fonts returned by _image_captcha_get_available_fonts_from_directories() on web/modules/contrib/captcha/modules/image_captcha/image_captcha.module:54. the list is different, which cause the token to not be found.

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