🇬🇧United Kingdom @alex_sansom

Account created on 10 September 2008, over 16 years ago

Recent comments

🇬🇧United Kingdom alex_sansom

Probably obvious to those with more familiarity to the product, but, this seems to break installing (and being able to evaluate) Acquia CMS (low-code) starter kit?

Should this raise the issue's "priority" level, up from "Normal"?

Having tried to follow the documentation [1], and running "./vendor/bin/acms acms:install", I get:

Enabling modules for the starter-kit:
> './vendor/bin/drush' 'en' '--yes' 'acquia_cms_site_studio' 'acquia_cms_page' 'acquia_cms_search' 'acquia_cms_tour' 'acquia_cms_toolbar' 'acquia_cms_article' 'acquia_cms_event' '--uri=default'
The following module(s) will be enabled: acquia_cms_site_studio, acquia_cms_page, acquia_cms_search, acquia_cms_tour, acquia_cms_toolbar, acquia_cms_article, acquia_cms_event, acquia_cms_common, acquia_purge, purge, purge_queuer_coretags, config_ignore, config_rewrite, diff, ckeditor5, editor, file, config, config_translation, locale, language, content_moderation, workflows, content_translation, media, image, menu_ui, menu_link_content, link, taxonomy, entity_clone, metatag_open_graph, metatag, token, metatag_twitter_cards, moderation_dashboard, views, layout_builder, layout_discovery, contextual, moderation_sidebar, password_policy_character_types, password_policy, datetime, password_policy_length, password_policy_username, pathauto, path, redirect, scheduler_content_moderation_integration, options, scheduler, schema_article, schema_metatag, schema_person, schema_place, simple_sitemap, seckit, smart_trim, username_enumeration_prevention, workbench_email, cohesion, imce, entity_reference_revisions, rest, serialization, jquery_ui, cohesion_base_styles, cohesion_custom_styles, cohesion_elements, cohesion_templates, cohesion_style_helpers, cohesion_sync, cohesion_website_settings, collapsiblock, node_revision_delete, sitestudio_page_builder, responsive_preview, acquia_cms_image, media_library, field_group, focal_point, crop, facets, facets_pretty_paths, search_api_autocomplete, search_api, search_api_db, admin_toolbar, toolbar, breakpoint, admin_toolbar_tools, acquia_cms_person, acquia_cms_place, address, telephone, geocoder_address, geocoder_field, geocoder, geocoder_geofield, geofield, schema_event

 // Do you want to continue?: yes.

 [notice] user.settings rewritten by acquia_cms_common
 [notice] system.performance rewritten by acquia_cms_common
 [notice] node.settings rewritten by acquia_cms_common
PHP Fatal error:  Trait "Drupal\simple_sitemap\Manager\VariantSetterTrait" not found in /app/docroot/modules/contrib/acquia_cms_common/src/Facade/SitemapFacade.php on line 21

Fatal error: Trait "Drupal\simple_sitemap\Manager\VariantSetterTrait" not found in /app/docroot/modules/contrib/acquia_cms_common/src/Facade/SitemapFacade.php on line 21
 [warning] Drush command terminated abnormally.

In CommandBase.php line 140:

  The command "'./vendor/bin/drush' 'en' '--yes' 'acquia_cms_site_studio' 'acquia_cms_page' 'acquia_cms_search' 'acquia_cms_tour' 'acquia_cms_toolbar' 'acquia_cms_article' 'acquia_cms_event' '--uri=default'" failed.

  Exit Code: 1(General error)

  Working directory: /app

site:install [--db-url [DB-URL]] [--db-prefix [DB-PREFIX]] [--db-su [DB-SU]] [--db-su-pw [DB-SU-PW]] [--account-name [ACCOUNT-NAME]] [--account-mail [ACCOUNT-MAIL]] [--site-mail [SITE-MAIL]] [--account-pass [ACCOUNT-PASS]] [--locale [LOCALE]] [--site-name [SITE-NAME]] [--site-pass [SITE-PASS]] [--sites-subdir [SITES-SUBDIR]] [--existing-config ] [-l|--uri [URI]] [-y|--yes] [--no] [-hide|--hide-command] [-d|--display-command] [-wpi|--without-product-info] [--] [<profile>...]

In CommandBase.php line 140:

  The command "'./vendor/bin/acms' 'site:install' '--without-product-info' '--uri=default'" failed.

  Exit Code: 1(General error)

  Working directory: /app

acms:install [-l|--uri [URI]] [--] [<name>]

[1] https://docs.acquia.com/acquia-cms/install-cms/#install-acquia-cms-local...

🇬🇧United Kingdom alex_sansom

This seems to be because when user_logout() gets called it destroys the session. If you only invalidate the session rather than destroy it, you're able to switch users OK.

🇬🇧United Kingdom alex_sansom

As you suggested, I've just pulled the latest dev version @jurgen_haas and re-tested my scenario.

All looks good to me, I see emails being generated where there were none before!

Thank you very much for your efforts, especially speedy reply and fix.

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