🇬🇧United Kingdom @ippy

Account created on 8 September 2008, over 16 years ago

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🇬🇧United Kingdom ippy

Reporting similar issue, with certain blocks generating MemcachedDriver::set() error ... ITEM TOO BIG.
No other obvious related errors.
The content loads initially but a page refresh returns empty block.
Downgrade to 8.x-2.5 and the issue goes away.

🇬🇧United Kingdom ippy

Nice one, thank you for a very simple but useful addition. I stumbled here when checking whether such a feature existed. The patch applied cleanly to * 1.0.0-rc7 (Drupal 9.5.9)

Being able to search through thousands of payloads in order to identify and/or retry or remove the occasional job is really very helpful.

This enables a UI approach that admins can understand and make use of, here to avoid spamming customers who did not attend an event. A (custom) cancel event occasionally fails to fire - leaving notifications remaining in the queue rather than being identified and deleted automatically. Being able to quickly identify these is great.

Overall this seems like a useful and non-controversial addition to the project.

🇬🇧United Kingdom ippy

I ran into similar install/uninstall issues and wanted to thank contributors for their notes, especially @curt2199 for quick reference to table CREATE statements. I only needed two in this use-case: commerce_shipping_method and commerce_shipment.

8.x-2.6 on 9.5.9. Store already existed and the module had previously been installed and uninstalled (dev site/testing).

🇬🇧United Kingdom ippy

Nice one, thank you. I just discovered the same.
Patch applied cleanly. Much appreciated.

🇬🇧United Kingdom ippy

I know its closed but as I came here with a similar problem I wanted to leave a quick comment in case anyone else is hunting and has the same cause...

On a site with three Domain records, one content type "started" displaying only the "Send to all affiliates" option and failing to save without a source domain.

As it happens it is the last CT to be created on the site, but that was like 6 years ago, so not exactly "new".

After following various threads, on my third visit to the form display structure I finally noticed that the widget for both Domain Access and Domain Source on this CT had been set to "Autocomplete". What? Clearly that will never work. (Smacks head.) Switching back to radio/button widget "fixed" the issue.

All content of this type is missing its Domain source info. Resaving each node (now that is possible) reinstates the values. Bulk assignment via content admin ("add content to ABC domain") not helpful here/does not set both access and source info.

The only real mystery for me is how/why the widget had changed. The site was developed in D8 ~6 years ago and was migrated to Drupal 9 within the past 6-9 months. The client can't edit the CT form display settings and I know I haven't. However, as nobody has edited content of this type for 3+ years I can't narrow down when it "started".

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