πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States @edward_nurelm

Account created on 2 October 2019, over 4 years ago

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States edward_nurelm

I've also been having this issue for a number of weeks with very large Drupal site (running version 9) we build that is being upgraded from the group version 1 module to the version 2. It was originally built in Drupal 8 a few years ago. This issue is not specific to Drupal 10, but to Group 2 itself. Did you update your site from a previous group installation?

I've narrowed down my problem to one role, we have a "Member" role that we had for a default member of a group. It has the role of "insider" with "authenticated user" as the global role. When I set it to "individual" rather than "insider", the site works. But I feel this isn't a solution; the roles page itself says "Insider: Assigned to all members who have the corresponding global role.". It would make sense to leave our "member" role as an insider.

Basically, if any role in my group has the "insider" scope, it gets the error.

I debugged the variables where the exception is happening:

// Validate that only the requested scope was returned. An empty result
        // is allowed, however, as it might be that the calculator had nothing
        // to say for this scope.
        if (!empty($calculator_scopes) && (count($calculator_scopes) > 1 || reset($calculator_scopes) !== $scope)) {
          throw new CalculatedPermissionsScopeException(sprintf('The calculator "%s" returned permissions for scopes other than "%s".', get_class($calculator), $scope));

My site always seems to show $scope as having the value of individual. I'm not sure what's going on here, but it's difficult to work around. We have tons of custom code, but nothing that changes the scope of anything with flexible permissions. Can the devs please give suggestions for this? I feel like this exception is in place for a reason, but I'm not sure what is misconfigured on our website that cold be causing this.

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