🇨🇭Switzerland @jeremie_alvin

Account created on 12 September 2019, over 5 years ago
  • Lead developer at SQLI 

Recent comments

🇨🇭Switzerland jeremie_alvin

Here's a patch based on #15 working on Drupal 10.1.6

🇨🇭Switzerland jeremie_alvin

@suresh_m it's actually normal to have a 'temporary' status on an uploaded image.
Drupal stores inline images as temporary at first, but when you save the entity, Drupal triggers a status change to make it permanent.
Can you explain a bit more the steps involved in reproducing your error and whether the image remains temporary after the entity has been saved?

🇨🇭Switzerland jeremie_alvin

I can reproduce too in a simple search_api environment (without solr or elastic).
Do you find a solution ?

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