Account created on 5 September 2008, over 16 years ago

Recent comments

🇫🇷France jjancel

there is also a conflict with the "Button Style"
When I drag the "image" button into the active toolbar, I cannot save the text format

Warning: Undefined array key "editor][settings][plugins][ckeditor5_image" in _insert_allowed_html_validate() (line 809 of modules\insert\insert.module).

🇫🇷France jjancel

Hello @Snater
another problem I have like settings in Widget Settings: Image
Default style
Large (480×480)
Auto Option Picture Style
Large (480×480)
Link image to
Original image

but insert does not create url_link is empty
just is there another setting in the module?
thank you for your work and support

🇫🇷France jjancel

Good morning
a very small problem with version 3.0.0-beta6
When editor_advanced_link module is enabled ckeditor5 is broken

ckeditor5.js?scro4y:192 Failed to load insert - ExtendAllowedHtml
(anonymous) @ ckeditor5.js?scro4y:192
ckeditor5.js?scro4y:464 Debugging can be done with an unminified version of CKEditor by installing from the source file. Consult documentation at
ckeditor5.js?scro4y:468 CKEditorError: plugincollection-plugin-not-found {"plugin":null}
Read more:
    at ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5:110188
    at ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5:110247
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at u (ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5:110049)
    at l.init (ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5:108537)
    at D.initPlugins (ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5:115287)
    at editor-classic.js?v=40.2.0:4:9630
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at D.create (editor-classic.js?v=40.2.0:4:9587)
    at Object.attach (ckeditor5.js?scro4y:374:21)
(anonymous) @ ckeditor5.js?scro4y:468
🇫🇷France jjancel

hooray version 3.0.0-beta5 works perfectly
Congratulations for your work

🇫🇷France jjancel

By chance, I just tested the insertion with content whose text box is separated from the summary box.
and the insert works well but stays all the time in the summary not in the body text area
if this helps

🇫🇷France jjancel

I created a new test format
when i click on the insert button

ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parent')
    at Object.callback (Inserter.js?v=3.x:83:25)
    at Cn._runPendingChanges (ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5:424782)
    at Cn.change (ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5:421831)
    at #insertIntoEditor (Inserter.js?v=3.x:74:20)
    at #insert (Inserter.js?v=3.x:63:31)
    at HTMLInputElement.<anonymous> (Inserter.js?v=3.x:45:64)
rethrowUnexpectedError @ ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5
change @ ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5
#insertIntoEditor @ Inserter.js?v=3.x:74
#insert @ Inserter.js?v=3.x:63
(anonymous) @ Inserter.js?v=3.x:45
🇫🇷France jjancel

another curiosity with the addition of a word after line 34
in full_text and restricted insert works
but in basic and full insert does not work
I had fun putting all the toolbar buttons in the restrided format
and yay insert works well

🇫🇷France jjancel

weird strange
in the insert-image.html.twig file
after line 34

34 #}
35 {% apply spaceless %}

I add a line

34 #}
35 hello
36 {% apply spaceless %}

and miracle insert image works
I admit that I don't understand why!
Do you have an idea ?

🇫🇷France jjancel

Good morning
I uninstalled and reinstalled insert and ckeditor5 and the ckeditor5-dll.js error disappeared
@nitrocad is right about a CKE4 to CKE5 update error
now in plain text mode, it works but in HTML without any filter activated nothing is displayed
if I activate theme debug this is what is inserted:

<!-- END OUTPUT from 'modules/insert/templates/insert-image.html.twig' -->
<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'modules/insert/templates/insert-image.html.twig' -->
<!-- THEME HOOK: 'insert_image' -->
<!-- THEME DEBUG -->
🇫🇷France jjancel

latest version ckeditor5, insert-3.x-dev but without ckeditor4
insert image adds paragraph


With error in Chrome developer window

ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parent')
at Object.callback (Inserter.js?v=3.x:83:25)
at Cn._runPendingChanges (ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5:424782)
at Cn.change (ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5:421831)
at #insertIntoEditor (Inserter.js?v=3.x:74:20)
at #insert (Inserter.js?v=3.x:63:31)
at HTMLInputElement. (Inserter.js?v=3.x:45:64)
rethrowUnexpectedError @ ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5
change @ ckeditor5-dll.js?v=40.2.0:5
#insertIntoEditor @ Inserter.js?v=3.x:74
#insert @ Inserter.js?v=3.x:63
(anonymous) @ Inserter.js?v=3.x:45

🇫🇷France jjancel

thanks for the tips @mortona2k
I specify that I do not use the media module
I insert images from an image field
so no filter activated

🇫🇷France jjancel

insert the document works, no errors, a few small details to adjust
insert image adds paragraph


No errors in Chrome developer window or Drupal DBlog
Thank you for your time

🇫🇷France jjancel

Add to line 2 of bootstrap.theme file

this error has existed since 2023 ! 🐛 Drupal 10.1 breaks Bootstrap Fixed

why still this error in 2024
Is my DIY the right solution ?

🇫🇷France jjancel

Good morning
The insert button does nothing
Ckeditor 4 no longer exists in Drupal 10.2.2
In the edition I have these errors:
CKEditor.js?v=2.x:31 Uncaught ReferenceError: CKEDITOR is not defined
on CKEditor.js?v=2.x:31:26
on CKEditor.js?v=2.x:180:5
on CKEditor.js?v=2.x:184:3
What should CKEDITOR.js do?

🇫🇷France jjancel

Good morning
the insert button does nothing
in edition I have these errors:
CKEditor.js?v=2.x:31 Uncaught ReferenceError: CKEDITOR is not defined
on CKEditor.js?v=2.x:31:26
on CKEditor.js?v=2.x:180:5
on CKEditor.js?v=2.x:184:3
How can I help make the module work?

🇫🇷France jjancel

Good morning
I also hope you update this module to support CKEditor 5
It's really a very good module that I've been using for a long time.
Long life of the insertion module

🇫🇷France jjancel

Insert does not work in textbox with Drupal 10.2.1.
many many errors
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getInstances')
at Drupal.behaviors.insert.attach (insert.js?v=2.x:61:28)
at drupal.js?v=10.2.1:166:24
at Array.forEach ()
at Drupal.attachBehaviors (drupal.js?v=10.2.1:162:34)
at big_pipe.js?v=10.2.1:148:10
at big_pipe.js?v=10.2.1:179:3
drupal.js?v=10.2.1:64 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getInstances')
at Drupal.behaviors.insert.attach (insert.js?v=2.x:61:28)
at drupal.js?v=10.2.1:166:24
at Array.forEach ()
at Drupal.attachBehaviors (drupal.js?v=10.2.1:162:34)
at HTMLDivElement. (ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1387:20)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:3129)
at ce.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:1594)
at Drupal.AjaxCommands.insert (ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1385:21)
at ajaxCall.commands.insert (content_lock_form.js?s7mkhp:42:44)
at ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1046:41
drupal.js?v=10.2.1:64 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getInstances')
at Drupal.behaviors.insert.attach (insert.js?v=2.x:61:28)
at drupal.js?v=10.2.1:166:24
at Array.forEach ()
at Drupal.attachBehaviors (drupal.js?v=10.2.1:162:34)
at HTMLAnchorElement. (ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1387:20)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:3129)
at ce.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:1594)
at Drupal.AjaxCommands.insert (ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1385:21)
at ajaxCall.commands.insert (content_lock_form.js?s7mkhp:42:44)
at ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1046:41
drupal.js?v=10.2.1:64 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getInstances')
at Drupal.behaviors.insert.attach (insert.js?v=2.x:61:28)
at drupal.js?v=10.2.1:166:24
at Array.forEach ()
at Drupal.attachBehaviors (drupal.js?v=10.2.1:162:34)
at HTMLUListElement. (ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1387:20)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:3129)
at ce.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:1594)
at Drupal.AjaxCommands.insert (ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1385:21)
at ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1046:41
drupal.js?v=10.2.1:64 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getInstances')
at Drupal.behaviors.insert.attach (insert.js?v=2.x:61:28)
at drupal.js?v=10.2.1:166:24
at Array.forEach ()
at Drupal.attachBehaviors (drupal.js?v=10.2.1:162:34)
at HTMLAnchorElement. (ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1387:20)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:3129)
at ce.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:1594)
at Drupal.AjaxCommands.insert (ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1385:21)
at ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1046:41
drupal.js?v=10.2.1:64 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getInstances')
at Drupal.behaviors.insert.attach (insert.js?v=2.x:61:28)
at drupal.js?v=10.2.1:166:24
at Array.forEach ()
at Drupal.attachBehaviors (drupal.js?v=10.2.1:162:34)
at HTMLUListElement. (ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1387:20)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:3129)
at ce.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:1594)
at Drupal.AjaxCommands.insert (ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1385:21)
at ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1046:41
drupal.js?v=10.2.1:64 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getInstances')
at Drupal.behaviors.insert.attach (insert.js?v=2.x:61:28)
at drupal.js?v=10.2.1:166:24
at Array.forEach ()
at Drupal.attachBehaviors (drupal.js?v=10.2.1:162:34)
at drupal.init.js?v=10.2.1:32:12
at HTMLDocument.listener (drupal.init.js?v=10.2.1:20:7)

🇫🇷France jjancel

Nice work @b_sharpe
Works perfectly

🇫🇷France jjancel

Nice work @b_sharpe works perfectly

🇫🇷France jjancel

on a new installation I am blocked by this message
what do I must understand
"The Bootstrap Grid plugin requires another plugin in order to add

tags and their
attributes. Enable a plugin that supports adding this tag. If none exists, you You can configure the Edit Source plugin to support these tags."
thank you
🇫🇷France jjancel

Hello and good year
which line should be corrected in js/build/bootstrapGrid.js

🇫🇷France jjancel

This is caused by the libraries defined in bootstrap_library.libraries.yml not having the URL set with the licensing information.
see the solution: 🐛 Undefined Library Licence URL - PHP Warning Needs review

🇫🇷France jjancel

does this error look like 🐛 Log an error message when library definitions have a license with no URL defined Needs work

🇫🇷France jjancel

with version Drupal-10.1.5 the error disappeared, surprisingly! No ?
following the next update

🇫🇷France jjancel

with require_once('src/Bootstrap.php')
I have the error:
core\includes\ _drupal_error_handler_real Undefined array key "url" in Drupal\Core\Asset\JsCollectionOptimizerLazy->optimizeGroup() (\core\lib\Drupal\Core\Asset\JsCollectionOptimizerLazy.php line 174)

🇫🇷France jjancel

problem happens when you activate the cache
on which line do you add: require_once('src/Bootstrap.php');

🇫🇷France jjancel

Hello, I am very interested in this possibility.
I use Colorbox with Insert Colorbox and there is the same problem:
the alt and title values are not displayed with insert because it is in the href tag that you must include alt
how to write this code?

🇫🇷France jjancel

after research i solved the problem by installing the module
it would be nice if the dependencies were indicated in the description

Production build 0.71.5 2024