Account created on 28 April 2019, over 5 years ago

Recent comments

We are facing the same issue with Custom Block Plugins, the Block we have has a rendered form within, the output halts after every other refresh. We discovered a temp fix which is to add a random parameter to the URL Example: Perhaps that disables any caching mechanism involved and treats each page request as unique? Not sure.

Drupal Version: 10.1.4
PHP Version: 8.1.13

Reproduction steps:

- Add a Block to any region of the page.
- Refresh multiple times. (Incongnito after first refresh Block disappears).

We have done/observed the following:

- Disabled Cache entirely on the page, disabled cache modules.
- Disabled caching on Twig.
- Cleared Cache tables at every page reload using killswitch service.
- Attempted to disable big_pipe by using hook setting #create_placeolder to false.
- Re-creating the Block.
- No logs reported on watchdog/server logs.
- Disabled Javascript via Chrome Tools, issue still persists.

Would rather have the Drupal core team have a look at this, as it's critical and deemed Drupal 10 sites as unusable due to the nature of this bug making the UX experience unreliable.

Patch #181 is no longer working for Drupal 9.2.4. Can this be revised please?

Production build 0.71.5 2024