🇭🇺Hungary @kepesv

Account created on 31 August 2008, over 16 years ago

Recent comments

🇭🇺Hungary kepesv

Many thanks for Your response.
Google signals data collection wasn't activated yet (so there was no "Include Google signals in reporting identity" switch).
Now I've turned on Google signals data collection. I'll check it a few days later.

🇭🇺Hungary kepesv

@FlorisMoriceau Could you please release a stable version from the dev which is Drupal 10 compatible?

🇭🇺Hungary kepesv

@flocondetoile could you please release a d10 compatible version of the module based on the tested and reviewed patch?

🇭🇺Hungary kepesv

I think this issue is critical because, actually HTML Purifier cannot be used whih Ckeditor 5.
Probably related: https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3326778 🐛 TypeError: Drupal\ckeditor5\HTMLRestrictions::__construct(): Argument #1 ($elements) must be of type array, Drupal\ckeditor5\HTMLRestrictions given Needs work

🇭🇺Hungary kepesv

"Just for clarity, by admin you mean user 1 right?" - Right!
"But we will check the code" - Great, thank you!

🇭🇺Hungary kepesv

Dear Bryan, Could you please make the module Drupal 10 compatible?

🇭🇺Hungary kepesv

Temporary workaround:
Install Domain Access Entity module.

🇭🇺Hungary kepesv

Could you please clarify CKEditor Paste Filter module Drupal 10 compatibily vs. Ckeditor 5 compatibility?
CKEditor Paste Filter module is actually D10 compatible since last release but probably actually compatible with Ckeditor4 only (?!) which is not part of Drupal 10.
https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor_paste_filter/issues/3341385 📌 Create CKEditor 5 version Closed: won't fix
was discussed the possibility that it might be worth making it a separate module, what is your point of view?

🇭🇺Hungary kepesv

Tested and I can confirm that working properly! It could be the initial release as individual project.

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