Account created on 23 August 2018, over 6 years ago

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Number #58 worked for me! On Claro, drupal 10.2.6 and with field group module 8.x-3.4 , much thanks! @vdovhaliuk

I can confirm this is still issue. I'm on the latest version ( 2.0.0-rc10 ) and our live site is on D 9.5.11, but I tried this out on a fresh install of drupal 10 (10.1) just to make sure it wasn't just the live site.

IEF works great on English content only, but with other languages (multi-lingual) there are few issues.

Basic setup - enable tmgmt module (for translations) and Language module (and create another language). Create a Reference to Content to another Content type. Then create a translation, and on the translated page try to add translated node (or new).

Oberervations --
If on the "manage form display" configuration page (/admin/structure/types/manage/CONTENTTYPE/form-display) if I switch the widget from IEF complex or simple back to just "Select List" or "Autocomplete" then it points to where it should (translated node in another language) but going back to IEF will switch it back to default language (in my case english)

On the translated node's IEF complex form, the options to add another item, or "remove" an existing one are missing, but on English works perfectly.

Would it help to add images or something? I think maybe team knows exactly how to reproduce by now, maybe I can also look into this one and help, but wasn't sure if this bug is being worked on/already fixed. Any updates on this one?

Well I mean this line maybe handles it in the readme

In addition, you must ensure no fields or system components are configured to
utilize s3:// for file storage
, technically it works, but it's kinda vague imo for those less technical users, I'd add a line with an example like

You'll have to manually go into each field that was uploading to s3 EX

Click on tab "Field Settings"

"Upload destination" setting must now be manually checked to "Public Files" once more (radio button was blank)

Click "Save"

Just to be helpful, so technically the 1 line in the readme calls it out, but it's just not too useful to someone in a jam

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