Account created on 12 April 2018, over 6 years ago

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Lol thank you for working on it so quickly and at such a late hour. It's much appreciated. Have a good night.

I don't have any configs to attach.

Further to bmateus's tests on menus I have found this:

I did a compete fresh install:

Drupal: 10.3.1
GraphQL: 8.x-4.8
GraphQL compose: 2.1.1

1) If you enable the "GraphQL Compose: Menus" sub module and create a new menu that has non single word machine name. For example:

Create a menu called "Test menu" (the machine name automatically given by Drupal will be "test-menu".

2) Enable the menu in /admin/config/graphql_compose

3) Going to the Exploer will fail: /admin/config/graphql/servers/manage/graphql_compose_server/explorer

GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError: Syntax Error: Invalid number, expected digit but got: "T" in GraphQL\Language\Lexer->readDigits() (line 439 of /opt/drupal/vendor/webonyx/graphql-php/src/Language/Lexer.php).

On our production server we have tons of menus named like "PT - Footer menu" which ends up having a machine name with name dashes (PT---footer-menu). This causes a slightly different error:

GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError: Syntax Error: Invalid number, expected digit but got: "-" in GraphQL\Language\Lexer->readDigits() (line 439 of /opt/drupal/vendor/webonyx/graphql-php/src/Language/Lexer.php).

I'm having the exact same issue, this only appeared after the graphql 8.x-4.8 update.

I followed this -

But there's some typos:

The template file should be "layout--fourcol.html.twig" rather than "layout--fourcol.twig.html".

Also "gh_display" in the full entry example for the layouts.yml should be "custom_layouts".

More examples can be found in the "Layout Discovery" module within core.

Production build 0.71.5 2024