I have experimented this error on text formats config update manually, not on drush cim or drush updatedb, and #11 fixed it.
Solution for me was to navigate to the admin/people/permissions form, save, then rerun drush cim.
For me it returned the same error as I had in text formats form, previously to apply #11 patch.
I've tested #2 and I can confirm that it works properly in combination with the reported Keycloak issue 🐛 Error to built redirect URL Fixed and OpenId Connection issue 🐛 Upgrade problems openid_connect 1 to 2 Needs review .
I've tested #10 and I can confirm that it works properly in combination with this Keycloak related issue 🐛 Error to built redirect URL Fixed .
I've tested #2 and I can confirm that it works properly in combination with the reported OpenId Connection issue 🐛 Upgrade problems openid_connect 1 to 2 Needs review .