🐛 | Commerce Shipping Order Percentage | Incorrect Shipping Fee Calculation in Percentage of Order Value Shipping Method
Thanks for the quick followup Andy, I'll attach a screenshot to show what is happened on my end. The order percentage:
Order Percentage Config (10%):
Miscalculation for order %:
It looks like it calculates the origanal percentage for shipping which is correct but then it calculates the shipping again on the review step which is 10% of the total on the previous step (which already had the original 10% added to it).
I have a patch for the ecommerce site I have this running on but - it is not the best solution. I'll upload it but will also be looking into a better solutions in the upcoming week.
🐛 | Commerce Shipping Order Percentage | Incorrect Shipping Fee Calculation in Percentage of Order Value Shipping Method
matt.hood → created an issue.