Account created on 13 February 2018, over 6 years ago

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as the screen size shrinks,

Do you mean that since mobile mode has smaller display, SIDE BAR is forced to take up more space, full wide?
So this is not SIDE BAR any more. As well regarding Social Bar: Placed in a different area.

In general, Theme tries to keep design/look, on desktop and on mobile, similar as possible.You can see it with e.g Bartik.
Interesting to know: In your mobile, Olivero looks similar as on desktop? Maybe in English there is no issue..

My issue is a concept issue, but not design issue. SIDE BAR should be at side, on both displays (mobile & desktop).
When design is much different, it is not design suggestion

RobinCS  Hi,

Thanks for your advise!

I am familiar with Linux (my site based on debian..), but not an expert, so need to be careful.
I see that every permission's change, may influence on site's accessibility.. 
So regarding your tip: First, I tried to change permission, so www-data will be read-only, however it blocked accesses to site - maybe I did not use the right command, or some changes in sub directories/files, not sure..
hen I canceled this change and as you can see below, have changed owner to osmc: i.e. my user, instead www-data.
Now osmc's user has write permission - Is it secured enough?

Regarding "web" folder: I see that ./sites/default/files should have write permission, so I do not change it - remains as Drupla's doc recommends.

/tmp folder: I did not figure out what can I change in settings.php: How to replace www-data access?

ls -al
total 324
drwxr-xr-x 4 osmc www-data 4096 Sep 19 14:17 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 osmc www-data 4096 Sep 11 02:54 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 osmc www-data 357 Sep 11 02:54 .editorconfig
-rwxr-xr-x 1 osmc www-data 4034 Sep 11 02:54 .gitattributes
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 58167 Sep 19 14:15 composer-setup.php
-rwxr-xr-x 1 osmc www-data 3736 Oct 15 20:24 composer.json
-rwxr-xr-x 1 osmc www-data 241647 Oct 15 20:23 composer.lock
drwxr-x--- 29 osmc www-data 4096 Oct 15 20:23 vendor
drwxr-x--- 7 osmc www-data 4096 Oct 5 14:31 web


OK, however I do not have any problem on my computer, Olivero Theme looks very nice, as you can see in the new screenshot attached from my desktop:
SIDE BAR is narrow at left-side, Social Bar is on right-up side, everything as block's layout.

I do have issues on my IPHONE. Do not know if it has to do with RTL and how to check it..
BTW: I saw this link regarding Olivero that highlighting "Mobile-First Design" and "RTL Language Support".. I do not believe every thing written.. :) at least hope this is the vision and those issues repairable.


Hi, ressa,

Attached 2 files of screendumps. It is in Hebrew so please notice the main issues:

There are 2 pictures of the same content, portrait and landscape.
The block layout suppose to be Side Bar, however, as you can see, content displays full wide, in both modes.
Also, the image size is quite large, with too much space between rows, in landscape mode.

It is not showing in pictures, but Social Bar is placed at bottom, instead of right-up side. Looks much different from desktop..

All above tested on IPHONE/Safari. It is ok on desktop display.

You can use Responsive Design Mode (Ctrl+Shift+M) in Firefox.

I installed FireFox on my IPHONE and it is in Mobile Mode. Same above issues as with Safari.
Do not know how change to Responsive Design Mode in IPHONE?


Here link: 💬 Issue of Olivero Theme on mobile display Closed: works as designed

Thanks for info! I Already opened a new issue there.. No reply yet.
I am quite disappointing.  Hope there are some settings to adjust  Olivero's Theme to mobile mode.
Looks strange.. This is default Drupal's Theme. It works nicely on DeskTop, but on mobile the looks is totally different

Please understand that SPF or DKIM authentication has nothing to do with Notify or Drupal.

Yes, I know. Just noted here as a reason to not getting email after a new comment..

Hope that every thing with Drupal and Notify configuration is ok, so I need to figure out how solve this issue with gmail address..


I would like to know this: Does the user that you expect to be notified have permission to see unpublished comments?

In this testing I am the user. I am superuser or administrator. Is it the default that super user has the permission, or need to manually subscribe?

Do not know if there is any connection to this issue, however, I got the following message from my smtp server mail:

Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients:

  Recipient address: 
  Reason: SMTP transmission failure has occurred
  Diagnostic code: smtp;550-5.7.26 This mail has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticated. requires all senders to authenticate with either SPF or DKIM. results: = did not pass [] with ip: [] = did not pass mitigate this issue, please visit Gm..

Still do not receive an email.. SMTP looks ok but something is not working.. Here status of Queue:

There are 0 nodes and comment created since 10/08/2023 - 11:53.
Unpublished: 0 nodes and 4 comments.
Notifications about at least 1 post is queued.
No posts are flagged for skipping.
No e-mails were sent.
The next notification is scheduled for the next cron run.
Default MailSystem: system default.

If need more info please inform.


Hi gisle,

As far as I remember.. In previous Drupal's ver, I added REACTION RULE named: "new comment email notify", on event: "After saving a new comment".

Probably I saw such solution in google.. Looks like in Drupal 10 no need of this rule.. 

I installed Notify module, but same problem - no email after new comment..

Although smtp has been tested ok, I need to double check why email does not go out.. Do not know how can debug it??


Nice to know!

Actually at the moment, my site is quite small and do not have a lot of content. I plan to add much more to the upgraded site. However, it is better to save some time and let composer composing the music.. I am going to give a chance to your advise..

I had not updated the site long time and hope it will work out. First it is a good idea to backup by creating an image of the old site, then updating and go a head according your advise.


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