I tested these changes on our test environment, and all seemed to be working as expected now.
joegraduate → credited danahertzberg → .
joegraduate → credited danahertzberg → .
joegraduate → credited danahertzberg → .
joegraduate → credited danahertzberg → .
joegraduate → credited danahertzberg → .
joegraduate → credited danahertzberg → .
Thank you for the help @smustgrave and @trackleft2!!
This patch applies to Drupal 9.5.x
Added this in /workspace/DrupalPod/web/core/themes/claro/css/components/tables.pcss.css
.image-anchor tr :not(:hover) {
background-color: #000000;
.image-anchor tr :hover > div {
background-color: transparent;
It works! :D
Updated summary with steps to reproduce
Looking at this one at DrupalCon 2023