
Account created on 7 December 2017, about 7 years ago

Recent comments

Adding back GroupRouteSubscriber.php with the feedback implemented as mentioned in #210 except point 7. I have added back the class "toolbar-icon toolbar-icon-system-admin-structure" in the test. Hence the tests will be failing as of now. Still need to fix that.

In the failed test, the minimal profile gets installed and it picks the config from core/modules/user/config but it doesn't get the "description" field in it. Hence the test cases fail. I have checked this issue, the config in the user module is correct but in the tests, the new config doesn't get updated. Can someone suggest a step forward.
Thank you

Implemented suggestions from #40 except the 9th point. Still looking into the last point.

Moving to "Needs Review" as all the tests are now passing.

Test groups arent generated due to missing @group annotation in the new test added. Fixing that.

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