Account created on 13 November 2017, over 7 years ago
  • Senior Software Engineer at Globant 

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🇮🇳India rahul.rahangdale Pune

I am also facing the same issue on fresh installation of Drupal 10.0.9 and Bootstrap Sass theme.

Here is the error I getting:

Error in plugin "sass"
Error: Undefined operation "2 * var(--bs-border-width)".
8 │     border-bottom: (2 * $table-border-width) solid $table-border-color;      
  │                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  ..\..\contrib\bootstrap_barrio\scss\components\table.scss 8:21  @import        
  ..\..\contrib\bootstrap_barrio\scss\barrio.scss 34:9            @import        
  scss\import.scss 15:9                                           @import        
  scss\style.scss 7:9                                             root stylesheet

Adding $table-border-width variable in subtheme variables.scss fixes this issue. However, it should fixed at the barrio level.

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