Account created on 26 July 2017, over 7 years ago

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I found out the reason.

It has to do with RFC2822 . Short version : from a certain length of line ( 78 characters, excluding the CRLF apparently ) message can get corrupted upon sending.

As DKIM is applied before sending and check at recipient after (of course), hash do not match hence to DKIM failed check.

In my case, as being an html file, lie lenght can be greater than 78.

To mitigate the issue I split the line where feasible :  all closing tags and spaces in between. Not really readable but working fine when rendered.

I do however had another issue with webform "body" field editor (looks like ckeditor but does not apply editors settings as for whole website config). Upon saving the mail handler, that body field, having an HTML content, sees all line prepended by numerous whitespaces to properly indent the code. Several lines breaking again that 78 characters limit. I'll open another topic for this specific issue.


Some updates from the field.... pursuing my investigation. Bad news, all forms are affected (with some nuance, see below). Good news, at least it is consistent :(

I ran following test :

  • using sendmail from command line -> Mail is properly signed with DKIM
  • using mail() php function -> Mail is properly signed with DKIM
  • Sending a webform email ( through handlers ) with a custom nice HTML template (I use for years) -> Mail DKIM signature is corrupted, hence the high SPAM rating
  • Sending a webform email ( through handlers ) with the default body message from Webforms -> Mail is properly signed with DKIM

I need this form once or twice a year. Meaning updates where applied in between. Cannot be sure of all but am certain of upgrading to Drupal 10 (then up to 10.2.2), webforms 6.2.0 (then up to 6.2.2) and ckeditor 5 (instead ckeditor 4). Ckeditor is used for that body field in webforms handlers.

OpenDKIM hash signature is applied by OS in email headers after Drupal / webforms build and send the message. However, don't know how, there is a link here.

Would someone have an idea on how it worked with D9 / webforms 6.1.8 and fails with D10 / webforms 6.2.2 ??? Not sure if ckeditor interacts here.....

Any advice or idea is welcomed.

Thx beforehand,


1. By story, understand as a "book" : title, summary, ....

2. By edition, understand a version of each story / book :  edition of of  1988, 1993, .... maybe a picture of cover page

I don't have a budget. This is a side project I'm thinking of.

Thx for input

Well... I have maybe been unclear.

Actually it is to gather information about a collection of books. You can have a pair "Story" with variant "Edition", meaning that for each story you have a pair of 1 story to many editions..... not always the same of course (would be to easy).

Story is the node, edition being the variant of same story.

The "I own it" is for the user to state I have that story in that edition. Purpose is not to claim ownership of the node but more a statement that I have it in my collection.


With all due respect this is a concern you may have with any platform, whatever your choice is.....

Well... small status update

I :

  1. Installed 9.5.7 as out of the box
  2. Added a link field to existing default article content type
  3. Created a view to create a block to display this sole field
  4. Enabled the "Hide block if the view output is empty" check box

All the rest as out of the box

Even if the link field is empty, the block (at least the title) is rendered. I reproduced with both Olivero and Bartik

No clue what is going on.....

Got it... This works

{% set diff = value |striptags - value_1 |striptags %}
{{ diff }}

I must be missing a thing as I find it unbelievable that a Global: Custom text field added to the view can not make, using twig, a difference between two integers.....

Some feedback

  • Like / dislike renders a kind of widget and displays as such even in the view. Sorting is based on likes OR dislikes and delta as I would need is not a possible option. Furthermore you cannot change your vote once casted ( even if there is a side patch ).
  • Vote Up/down does not tally votes. Module is in alpha since ages

With all due respect,I'm not confident in building something based on this even I must admit not having lots of options so far

Stay tuned.....

Thank you for feedback. Case is as per following.

I implemented Like & Dislike module and bound it to a certain content type. Widget allows "likes" and "dislike" votes which are basically  two counters, one for each.

In views I filtered out my content type and made two relations :

  1. Vote Result "Count" for content items: Like vote
  2. Vote Result "Count" for content items: Dislike vote

No issue in getting those numeric counters. It maps the related content well

Idea is to have a computed field in the view to substract Dislike value from like value. and get and relatively good indicator of the "likeness" of the content.... and have it ranked by sorting descending.

Is it more clear ?

Other track could be to hook on like and dislike events to make a calculation to update a dedicated field for the content. Not sure it is easier but I'm thinking loud here.....

Reverted to this one after a while.

Code above works but to mention that field_c must be created before.

However, my original question is more specific but I was unclear about this due my ignorance. I n my case I have to make calculation on a view between fields connected by a relation, thus not par of same node. Is hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave() aslo applicable here ?

Well... I took some time to dig into this and issue came from composer.

Updated to latest version (2.5.4) and it works like a charm.....

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