Account created on 11 June 2017, about 7 years ago

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🇵🇹Portugal kallado

@tylvis these are the available fields in the api We are retrieving the "media_url" in it's original format so this is what we ge from the api. We can't do anything else.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

@darrenoh @perrygeorget New plugin for Google V3 available TMGMT Translator GoogleV3Translate . It would be nice if you added a section of related modules or some info about this in the description o this module. We added a link to this one in the Related Modules section it would male it easier for users to find V2 and V3 versions without having to browse the issues.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

@darrenoh We are the creators of Auto Node Translate and we already developed the TMGMT Translator LibreTranslate . Sinece we support Google V3 we will be starting on a new Google V3 translator implementation for TMGMT. Since the configuration and translation process are quite different we think the best aproach is a new module. I'll keep you posted on the evoulution of the module if you want to.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

@aman_lnwebworks sorry it took so long but have been on tigh schedule. Merged and will be available on the next release

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

@rpayanm thanks merged and will be available on the next release

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

@johan.gant It seams the issue also happens in 2.1.9 version

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

Thanks I'm kind of struggling with time now but I'll review it as soon as possible.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

Sorry we've been very busy will change the status and review wenever possible.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

To be honest that composer.json doesn't even need to exist it was used for a local repository and shouldn't have been commited in the first place.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

You're right theres a bug in the composer.json i'll fix it a soon as possible

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

It's possible but to be honest this is a very simple consent poput it pretty much just hides the html with css. It would have to integrate with the recaptcha module and the validation would have to be done programatically.
I'm don't have a lot of spare time right now but i'll take a look when I have or if i found there's more people interested in this.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

Not really but if you are interessed in helping out you can take a look at how the amazon API was implementede here 🌱 Addition of Amazon Translate to auto_node_translate Fixed
We are kind of busy right now and still have some opened issues (bugs) to fix but we can take a look wenever we have some spare minutes.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

Ok patch cmmited to dev.
@AlfTheCat I'm not sure when a new release will be availabe because to be honest this isn't a bug from module.
The module is suposed to show a consent popup, it does.
You choose to use a browser that blocks consent popups, it does.
Everything works as expected.
Anyway the patch works.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

Patch created check if it works and let me know.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

The translate paragraph wasn't being loaded can you test this patch?
However I always recomend translating from english since is usually the most complete dicionary for the translators.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

This should be solved in version 1.0.4 🐛 Doesn't work for anonymous users Fixed

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

@piousbox never mind it works anyway. I'll merge and create a new version asap.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

@piousbox I think you are removing the validation for the url to solve this issue Cannot redirect to a url outside my domain Fixed
but that alone won't work since in build we are expecting the url to be relative so an external url won't work anyway. Maybe we can fix both problems in this issue and merge both. I might have some time to look at it this week (maybe even today)

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

@piousbox Not sure when I can get to this really busy at the moment. For now if you want to a suggestion you could create a custom route for the popup to redirect to and redirect that page to where you want with some code.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

I can't reproduce the issue. I have the module working in some sites and it works for anonymous users. Check if you have any restrictions on the block for roles or any other permissions.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

@DudeWeb just checked the code and error is here
'@code' => $error->error->code,
seams like $error is a string so maybe there's some issue with what the API returns in case of error but for sure there's an problem in the attempt to translate.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

@DudeWeb sorry been on vacations the Amazon api was not created by us, it was a contribution from another member @Ctrlfreq 🌱 Addition of Amazon Translate to auto_node_translate Fixed
I haven't tested it and i don't really have a way of doing it since i don't have an amazon acount i can use but it looks like an error is coming from the api.
Not sure how i can help you but I would check if the 'TargetLanguageCode' option expected in amazon might be diferent from the code given from Drupal

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

At the moment the only extra modules developed are the ones mentioned on the project page, that support Taxonomy and Custom blocks translation we can have a look at that but for now the answer is no.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

At the moment the only extra modules developed are the ones mentioned on the project page, that support Taxonomy and Custom blocks translation we can have a look at that but for now the answer is no.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

Any idea of when a Drupal 10 release is expected?

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

Merged with dev will be available in version 1.0.3.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

Merged with dev wil be available on version 1.0.3.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

Merged will be availabel on the next release. Thanks guys.

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

By removing the the txt file shouldn't also changes be made in:
function doi_search_help
That refers to it?
case '':
$readme = __DIR__ . '/README.txt';

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

for now to avoid the deprecation erros you can update the google/protobuf
just run:
composer update google/protobuf --with-dependencies

🇵🇹Portugal kallado

Looks like the messages are related to deprecated funtions in Google\Protobuf soo your configuration might be ok.
If i fix the the error in the api
\Drupal::messenger()->addError($this->t('Error @code: @message'
\Drupal::messenger()->addError(t('Error @code: @message'
The node is translated.
I'll release a patch as son as i can

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