Stumbled upon this also when optimizing images with ImageAPI Optimize WebP ( https://www.drupal.org/project/imageapi_optimize_webp → ). The images are served as .webp when using core responsive image formatter, but when using Responsive Background Image format, the images are back in .jpg mode.
This feature would indeed be nice.
Same issue here. Android with Chrome browser. Seems to work with tablet and larger screens.
I modified the twig template which comes with flag_anon:
{% set count = flagcount(flag, flaggable) %}
<div{{ attributes }}>
<span class="label btn btn-outline-success"{{ label_attributes }}>{{ label }}{% if count %}<span>{{ count }}</span>{% endif %}</span>
{{ message }}
Now it displays the label along with flag count with some buttons classes. When clicked, flag_anons login popup will show etc.