What ? don't understand the website is still online
What ? don't understand the website is still online
okay let's check in our side and correct
The site is bilingual, so I've shared the link to the 2 French and English versions. You'll have to add the English version.
foka_patrick → created an issue.
jjchinquist → credited foka_patrick → .
dan2k3k4 → credited foka_patrick → .
Thanks for feedback.
I solved the problem with the image path, but I have the impression that the articles on planet do not update automatically because we have written other articles that are not yet available on the drupal planet platform.
Okay good let me do that
Okay good let me do that
I have the impression that not all feed content is loaded, or you sorting?
Okay good let me check
okay it's OK now, I added summary for each article you can check it and let me know.
foka_patrick → created an issue.