🇧🇪Belgium @vaidas_a

Account created on 1 January 2017, about 8 years ago

Recent comments

🇧🇪Belgium vaidas_a

The problem seems is wrongly set data_fetcher_plugin: http . It should be data_fetcher_plugin: file

Steps for a workaround:
1. Generate Wordpress migrations (/admin/structure/migrate, click on "+Add import from WordPress" and follow the steps)
2. Export configuration
3. Locate Wordpress migration configuration files (should look like migrate_plus.migration.my_wordpress_attachments.yml where 'my_wordpress' is my mashine name of a Wordpress migration group)
4. Replace "data_fetcher_plugin: html" to "data_fetcher_plugin: file" in all the migration files.
5. Import configuration

Now you should be able to run migrations.

🇧🇪Belgium vaidas_a

I'm experiencing the same.

Drupal 10.3.7
wordpress_migrate 8.x-3.0-alpha6

🇧🇪Belgium vaidas_a

I tested with commerce 2.38. Patch applied successfully and PayPal payment method label appeared as it should (e.g. 'Pay with PayPal'). Yet, if I proceed with payment, cancel it I'm returned to the order information page with payment method just 'PayPal' instead of the label (behaviour the same as without the patch).

It just a heads up, I didn't test with 3.x and clean setup.

🇧🇪Belgium vaidas_a

Patch #11 worked for me.

In my case I was receiving an error when importing configuration:
ResponseText: DivisionByZeroError: Division by zero in Drupal\search_api\Task\TaskManager->processBatch() (line 373 of C:\DEV\Projects\intranet\intranet-sources\modules\contrib\search_api\src\Task\TaskManager.php).

After applying the patch I didn't receive this error anymore.

Thank you

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