Account created on 5 July 2016, about 8 years ago
  • Developer Team Lead and Drupal developper at Symetris 

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🇨🇦Canada davidarbour

Still having the issue with Drupal 10.1.6 and Drupal Symfony Mailer 1.4

Here's my testing steps. It seems that clearing the cache with the admin UI give drush one cache clear without error, then error is coming back

Update Drupal to 10.1.6
Update Drupal Symfony Mailer from 1.2 to 1.4
Flush cache with drush
* Getting the error
Flush cache with admin UI
* No error
Flush cache with drush
* No error
Flush cache with drush
* Getting the error

🇨🇦Canada davidarbour

Request confirmed for Karine

🇨🇦Canada davidarbour

I will spend time one this one during Symetris contrib time

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