Added Drupal 10 compatibility. You can use composer require 'drupal/confetti:^2.0'
Thanks for opening the ticket, I will take a look this weekend at what we can do
Found what was the issue, it was a custom patch that was changing the order of the suggestion hooks in function paragraphs_theme(). Now it is okay.
Ginovski → created an issue.
This is indeed a bug, when executing drush ev 'foreach (\Drupal::getContainer()->getServiceIds() as $id) { $a[$id] = is_object(\Drupal::service($id)) ? get_class(\Drupal::service($id)) : ""; } dump($a);' | grep plugin
to get all of the plugins, the command causes an error. Ready to be merged imo
Merged this, thanks for contributing.
Merged, thank you for the contribution.