Account created on 6 May 2016, over 8 years ago

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πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany mhdev90 Apolda

For me, this error occurs when a module has a dependency defined directly to "tacjs/tacjs". As soon as I have changed the dependency to "tacjs/tarteaucitron.js", the problem seems to be solved.

πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany mhdev90 Apolda

I'm still not sure how to deal with duplicate accounts. In my case, it is enough to display a message to the user after login. This ensures that users can still work in the system.

πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany mhdev90 Apolda

The problem is that the menu_item_extras module removes the "menu_link_content" bundle in the menu_link_content content type and creates a separate bundle for each menu.
As a result, the field configuration has to be recreated (per bundle) and in addition, depending on the case, the form display may not be created/deleted.

I have created an issue fork and a patch to handle the following issues:
1. domain_menu_access is installed and menu_item_extras is being installed
2. menu_item_extras is installed and domain_menu_access is being installed
3. menu_item_extras and domain_menu_access are installed and domain_menu_access is being uninstalled

The following problem is not yet addressed:
menu_item_extras and domain_menu_access are installed and menu_item_extras is being uninstalled

πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany mhdev90 Apolda

This patch seems to work for me. Thanks!!!

πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany mhdev90 Apolda

Here is the patch.

To set the order by weight follow this steps:

1. apply my patch
2. go to "/admin/structure/vote-types" and edit the vote type, now there is a new field "Weight"
3. go to the FieldFormatter and select "Vote weight" as sorter

Thats it.

πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany mhdev90 Apolda

I'm not 100% sure, but i think this problem occurs only when you use the "webform_section" layout element. So the solution is pretty simple, just add the "webform_section" element type to the "$layoutElements" array. Maybe there are more elements that need to be added to this array?

Steps to reproduce it:
1. Create a webform
2. Add a section (webform_section) element
3. Add a text element to the section

drupal: 9.5.9
webform: 6.1.4
webform_content_creator: 2.x

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