🇬🇧United Kingdom @dawnherald

Account created on 30 April 2016, almost 9 years ago

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🇬🇧United Kingdom dawnherald

Trying to enable Boostrap Layout Builder

I think I'm past the confusion but there is no progressive workable solution with layout builder iframe modal.

Add Bootstrap Grid support to Layout Builder module.

Machine name: bootstrap_layout_builder
Requires: Bootstrap Styles (disabled)Layout Builder, Layout Discovery, Contextual Links, Block, Media Library Form Element (disabled), Media Library, Media, File, Field, Image, User, System, Views, Filter, Media Library Theme Reset (disabled)

It seems impossible to implement bootstrap layout builder without media Library Theme Reset, despite its deprecated status and advocation for Layout Builder Iframe Modal.

If someone has implemented this, could they say how?

I tried the approved release and dev release of Bootstrap Layout Builder, both require Media Library Theme Reset.

I know its hard to remove it post install, so would very much appreciate guidance on getting Bootstrap Layout Builder correctly with Layout Builder IFrame Modal.

Is there a risk of going with Media Library Theme reset and not being able to update to the current and future correct Boostrap Layout Builder ecosystem?

What is the current Bootstrap Layout Builder eco system of modules?

https://www.drupal.org/project/layout_builder_blocks (requires styles, so questionable)


composer require 'drupal/bootstrap_styles:2.0.x-dev@dev' still requires Bootstrap styles 1.1, regardless of bootstrap styles 2 being recommended.

Answers and a best way to proceed for anyone beginning with bootstrap layout builder would be much appreciated.

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