In the node.html.twig file, I ended up checking if the content.field_main_topic['#object'] exists. Created an array variable, looped through the main_topic field and merged the link_text and link_url into the array that I was able to pass into the existing resuable select dropdown template that pulls the information from the array and populates the dropdown.
The piece of code created:
{% if content.field_main_topic["#object"] %}
{% set main_topic_sections = [] %}
{% for key, item in node.field_main_topic %}
{% set main_topic_sections = main_topic_sections|merge([{
'link_url': "#" ~ content.field_main_topic[key]["#paragraph"].field_anchor_text.0.value,
'link_text': content.field_main_topic[key]["#paragraph"].field_title.0.value,
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Maybe this would be better off in a hook, but this serves my purposes and works as it should.
Hopefully this might help someone else out.
The last piece of this setup is creating a dropdown in the node.html.twig file. It has to be placed here because it won't work if placed in either of the paragraph.html.twig files (since the paragraph field can be more than one and loops through).
I'm going to change the CKEditor settings as you instructed and will post an update to say whether it's been resolved.
I've been reading through your updates. And after doing some further research myself, I have a question for you... There is a line of code under the "all day" option (around 167) that says:
// Offset the end by one day for calendar ingestion.
$end->add(new \DateInterval('P1D'));
Why does the calendar need to be offset by a day? When I comment this out I find the the calendar events are entered correctly for iCal and Outlook, and doesn't affect google calendars. Since I"m unsure why the day needs to be offset in the first place, I thought I'd ask.
ladytekla β created an issue.