Account created on 11 March 2016, almost 9 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇨🇭Switzerland Elendev

Hello @grota and @paolomainardi,

Is there a plan to support Drupal 11 with this package?
Can I help to make it happen?

Thanks in advance!

🇨🇭Switzerland Elendev

As commented in 🐛 Page Cache must respect Vary, otherwise it might serve mismatched responses. Active , I've developed the module page_cache_vary until the issue is fixed in the core page_cache module.

It can retrieve cache vary headers by caching them per URL, so that the cost of computing the vary headers is as minimal as possible.

If this solution is good enough, I can try to integrate it directly in Drupal, let me know what you think.

🇨🇭Switzerland Elendev

I've developed the module page_cache_vary until the issue is fixed in the core page_cache module.

It can retrieve cache vary headers by caching them per URL, so that the cost of computing the vary headers is as minimal as possible.

If this solution is good enough, I can try to integrate it directly in Drupal, let me know what you think.

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