After upgrading the Diff module from 8.x-1.7 to 8.x-1.8 on a Drupal 10.3.x site, I am getting a WSOD and the same error as mentioned: Error: Class "Doctrine\Deprecations\Deprecation" not found in Doctrine\Common\Lexer\Token->offsetGet() (line 104 of /var/www/vendor/doctrine/lexer/src/Token.php).
We figured it out, if someone is looking to update to 10.3, here are our steps:
composer why-not drupal/core ^10.3
removing Salesforce and typed_data, updated to Core10.3. and then reinstall salesforce
Hi, we have been waiting for your update to come out, but now we can't update to 10.3 because the older version of salesforce requires typed_data beta 2, and the Salesforce 5.1 required Core 10.3, so you basically created a loop, can you please fix this?
This is what we get:
drupal/typed_data 1.0.0-beta3 conflicts with drupal/core 10.3.0.
Hi, when will 5.1.1 be released, can we get a patch in the meanwhile please? We are trying to update sites to Core 10.3.2 and this is a blocker.
sissi.schulmeister β created an issue.
sissi.schulmeister β created an issue.