🇫🇷France @Elisabeth 'babou'

Account created on 16 February 2016, over 8 years ago

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🇫🇷France Elisabeth 'babou'

As we work on ^3.0@RC this patch isn't working for us.
So i put another patch based on -rc13 tag here if anyone else need it too.

🇫🇷France Elisabeth 'babou'

Same issue here ! i'm working with UI Pattern Field group and when i'm trying to configure advanced settings of my group pattern the UI breaks with duplicate "row weight".

The provided solution fix it too, thanks!

🇫🇷France Elisabeth 'babou'

Hi Pierre,

I'm new to the Ecedi team and hope to be as helpful as my teammates :D
I understand. I'll work on 1.x. first and maybe after on UI Patterns 2.x too.

Thanks a lot for your quick answer !!

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