🇮🇹Italy @dkatena

Account created on 26 January 2016, over 8 years ago

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🇮🇹Italy dkatena

sorry, I didn't check the dev release, I only looked at the rc1, thank you very much!

🇮🇹Italy dkatena

Sorry for the late reply and thank you for your kind response and the research done to evaluate the possibility!

The main reason would be to be able to use partial word search, which I believe the core module doesn't do.

Another reason was to use facet search and thanks for the link, I hadn't seen that.

🇮🇹Italy dkatena

After some investigation I think it is necessary to modify the FullScreenSearchBlock.php file in the "dxpr_theme_helper" module.

🇮🇹Italy dkatena

I have a Drupal site hosted by Siteground too.

I wanted to install a module that require php >8 with Terminal and SSH but the command php -v said I was in php 7.4.33.

But if you check in /usr/local/bin you note that there are stored also the other version of php

So I used the command php81 /usr/local/bin/composer.phar require etc.. to install the module in php 8.1 (use php82 if you prefer 8.2 version)

The php version choosed is used only for the single command.

The disadvantage is that from now on instead of just the composer command you will have to use always the extended one.

Hope this can help you

🇮🇹Italy dkatena

I still use the modified 8.x-2.0 version precisely because it allows me to use Views and continue with the formulas in the UI.
I'm following with interest the work on version 4.x which seems to be the best successor to the module.

🇮🇹Italy dkatena

Drupal 9.5.3, PHP 8.1.15

🇮🇹Italy dkatena

UPDATE: For those who need to use the old system in Drupal 9 with the formulas in the UI, the procedure is simple.
NOTE: The use of formulas in the UI has been deprecated by the developers for security reasons

First of all it's necessary to use the "computed_field 8.x-2.0" version and edit core_version_requirement line in the computed_field.info.yml file.

I use the file like this:

name: ComputedField
type: module
description: Defines a field type that allows values to be "computed" via PHP code.
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9
package:Field types

This way you can migrate to Drupal 9 and have time to copy your formulas into a custom module before moving to version 3.0

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