🇮🇳India @amittgaur

Account created on 15 January 2016, about 9 years ago

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🇮🇳India amittgaur Chandigarh


Here is the another way to fix this if you are getting the same error in your search result.

in custom_search/templates/custom-search-results.html.twig.
<li{{ item.attributes }}>{{ item.value }}</li>
<li{{ item.attributes }}>{{ item|slice(0, 2) }}</li>

Hope this help!

Thank you.

🇮🇳India amittgaur Chandigarh

#8 is working fine to me.
its was in config which i replaced according to #8

Thank you!

🇮🇳India amittgaur Chandigarh


I was able to fix this issue:

Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper</em>: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field &#039;item_id&#039; doesn&#039;t have a default value: INSERT INTO {queue} (name, data, created) VALUES (:db_insert_placeholder_0, :db_insert_placeholder_1, :db_insert_placeholder_2);

This is because of queue table item_id.
What i did is: to browse the table queue and change item_id as unique and auto increment. you can do it via query OR form phpmyadmin table structure.

All admin links are working to me now..

Thank you!

🇮🇳India amittgaur Chandigarh


I was able to fix this with:
$ composer require -W drupal/core-recommended:^10.0.0 drush/drush:^12.5 guzzlehttp/guzzle twig/twig symfony/yaml:^6.0 drupal/core:^10 drupal/seven --ignore-platform-reqs

I was getting error of drupal/console version dependency. after fix this above command work to me and updated core with drupal10.2

#4. Thank you!

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