Account created on 26 November 2015, about 9 years ago

Recent comments

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

I'm leaving it like this for now so that users can get a look closer to the demo of the theme. When the theme is uninstalled, blocks and other settings are removed.

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

An option for this has been added to the theme.

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

@Hritick I didn't know that :) of course

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

I prefer to ensure compatibility by editing twig.html files rather than intervening in the CSS file. Fixed in version 1.0.13. thanks

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

It is necessary to put the search block in the region named "search". It should do it automatically when you uninstall the theme and install it again.

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

Fixed in version 1.0.8. thanks

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

Fixed in version 1.0.8. thanks

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

Fixed in version 1.0.8. thanks

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

thanks @riddhi.addweb
will be corrected in the new version

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

thamks @aman_lnwebworks.
input.html.twig file will be corrected in the new version.

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

This issue is resolved in the latest version. Please review.

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

This issue is resolved in the latest version. Please review.

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

Thank you for bringing the issue regarding the default config folder to our attention. We understand the importance of having a seamless and complete theme setup.

We are pleased to inform you that the reported bug has been addressed in our latest update. With the release of version 1.1.1, the theme now includes the default config folder as part of the package. This update ensures that users will have all the necessary files for a proper configuration right from the start.

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

fixed tahanks @dineshkumarbollu

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

The file you prepared has been added. Thanks Priya_Degwekar

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

No worries, I actually fixed the issue before seeing your updated patch. But thanks for letting me know about the base theme requirement in the info.yml file

🇹🇷Turkey SeaserWeb

We are excited to announce that our theme is now compatible with Drupal 10! The latest version includes various bug fixes and improvements. Please make sure to update your theme to the latest version for optimal performance and security.

Production build 0.71.5 2024