🇬🇧United Kingdom @Wakuiy

Account created on 18 November 2015, almost 9 years ago

Recent comments

🇬🇧United Kingdom Wakuiy

Just ran into this, thankfully, on localhost.

I would side that this should be an option/config for site builders to choose the behaviour, as this would have caused some issues if it were deployed as is for my particular use-case.

Especially with the current config of `login_with_username` enabled, if users are used to logging in with a self-defined username rather than a trimmed version of their email, this may lead to users suddenly not being able to login how they are used to, and many password reset requests being made following this update.

🇬🇧United Kingdom Wakuiy

Not sure why the bot didn't catch the info file too, as it has on other projects.

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