Account created on 10 June 2015, over 9 years ago

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john pitcairn has a good start. After some digging, the issue appears to be with how Drupal adds additional entity access conditions for the `status` field. In our example, I have a view that displays a list of practitioner profiles and the contextual filter is using the OR module extension, by listing profiles where the primary address OR secondary address are within a set distance.

Here's a very simplified query pseudo code. In the WHERE clause Drupal adds a condition for profile status to the Contextual filters AND View Filters. Normally, if this an "AND" that's not a problem. When the access control is run, the condition `profile.status == 1` is removed if you are a member of "administer profiles".

SELECT first_name, last_name, title 
FROM profile
WHERE ((primary distance < 40 OR secondary distance < 40 OR profile.status == 1) AND (profile.publish == 1 AND profile.status == 1))

Contextual Filter Group: (primary distance < 40 OR secondary distance < 40 OR profile.status == 1)
View Filter Group: (profile.publish == 1 AND profile.status == 1)
This condition is removed if you have "administer profile" access: profile.status == 1

Either the OR extension module should be updated to somehow manage this issue or Drupal 10 needs to come up with a different method for appending `status` fields, which I'm guessing is used by most entities. The solution is maybe the altering the query to look something like this when using OR for contextual filters.

SELECT first_name, last_name, title 
FROM profile
    # contextual filter grouping
        (primary distance < 40 AND profile.status == 1) OR 
        (secondary distance < 40 AND profile.status == 1) 
   # view filter grouping 
   (profile.publish == 1 AND profile.status == 1)

Here's where the profile.status condition is added.

web/modules/contrib/entity/src/QueryAccess/ViewsQueryAlter.php Line #133 $query->addWhere(0, $sql_conditions);

/** @var \Drupal\entity\QueryAccess\QueryAccessHandlerInterface $query_access */
    $query_access = $this->entityTypeManager->getHandler($entity_type_id, 'query_access');
    $conditions = $query_access->getConditions('view');
    if ($conditions->isAlwaysFalse()) {
      $query->addWhereExpression(0, '1 = 0');
    elseif (count($conditions)) {
      // Store the data table, in case mapConditions() needs to join it in.
      $base_table['data_table'] = $entity_type->getDataTable();
      $field_storage_definitions = $this->entityFieldManager->getFieldStorageDefinitions($entity_type_id);
      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\DefaultTableMapping $table_mapping */
      $table_mapping = $storage->getTableMapping();
      $sql_conditions = $this->mapConditions($conditions, $query, $base_table, $field_storage_definitions, $table_mapping);
      $query->addWhere(0, $sql_conditions);

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