Account created on 25 March 2015, almost 10 years ago

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@MegaChriz thanks for the info! I was able to clear the queue with the drush commands provided. But it did not fix the import errors. I tested file writing with tempnam outside of the feeds context but did not have any luck. But I did get the MR to work as followed:

In FeedsFileSystemBase::tempnam(), instead of writing a temporary file with tempnam, I wrote a file w/ \Drupal::service('file.repository')->writeData(). This method should support local and remote stream wrappers. Then I got additional error information that the getAsync call in HttpFetcher::get() appears to open a file with "w+" permissions by default which s3 (and perhaps other remote stream wrappers) do not seem to allow:

You can upload larger files by streaming data using fopen() and a “w”, “x”, or “a” stream access mode. The Amazon S3 stream wrapper does not support simultaneous read and write streams (e.g. “r+”, “w+”, etc). This is because the HTTP protocol doesn’t allow simultaneous reading and writing.

First opening the stream through GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::tryFopen() with "w" mode and passing that filestream as the sink to getAsync worked perfectly. Not sure if other use cases require "w+"

While these tweaks to the MR successfully resolved my errors with s3fs, I know mine is just one of many use cases and you'll know those better than me. So I've attached my tweaks as a patch and would like to hear your thoughts.

Tested the MR and also experienced the RuntimeException error with /tmp/feeds_http_fetcher not existing in our load-balanced environment.

Still testing but I wonder if it has something to do with our site also using a s3fs for a remote file system, which is quite useful for load-balanced environments. I noticed the tempnam method in the FeedsFileSystemBase class was using fileSystem->realpath to get the path. The Drupal API docs say regarding realpath:

"Resolves the absolute filepath of a local URI or filepath. The use of this method is discouraged, because it does not work for remote URIs. Except in rare cases, URIs should not be manually resolved. Only use this function if you know that the stream wrapper in the URI uses the local file system, and you need to pass an absolute path to a function that is incompatible with stream URIs.

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