🇮🇳India @wil2091

Account created on 2 March 2015, over 9 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India wil2091

Re-uploaded with the right image size.

🇮🇳India wil2091

Uploaded the right screenshot.

🇮🇳India wil2091

This is an additional info provided for users who leverage Apache SOLR or Elastic Search to store indexed data. Have shared the settings for Apache SOLR in this case. For Elastic Search I'm not too sure.

🇮🇳India wil2091

Can replicate this with Critical CSS module installed. The MR fixes the problem in 10.2.4.

🇮🇳India wil2091

Can replicate this on 10.2.4, with SDC enabled. The patch from this MR fixes the problem.

🇮🇳India wil2091

Hi @InternetDevels team - Did yo get any chance to port this module? Is the module maintainers looking for helping hands?

🇮🇳India wil2091

Still can replicate the same error if I don't select any of the content types or don't save the config form.

Adding a simple patch for this fix.

Production build 0.71.5 2024