🇪🇸Spain @oriolroger

Account created on 21 May 2008, almost 17 years ago

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🇪🇸Spain oriolroger

Hi both, and thanks for helping on this.

I've run the test to unfeaturize and disable one feature with a content type on it. The content type has five field_groups in the Manage fields section.

When it finishes to unfeaturize, the DB table "field_group" is still empty (I've supposed that this is the table where the field groups should be saved), and all the field groups in the Manage fields section have disappeared. We've also lost the order of the fields.

I'm using version Unfeaturize 7.x-2.0, and Features 7.x-2.14, if it helps. And I can't see any strange watchdog log message, other than the notice one: "Disable completed for test_feature / node."

We'll keep looking at this, thanks again for your support.

🇪🇸Spain oriolroger

Hi. We're having the same problem here. We're migrating a site from Drupal 7 to Backdrop, and when we run the module unfeaturize to move all data from the features to the database, it seems that the field groups and the order of the fields are not saved, once we migrate that content into Backdrop. Could it be anything we're missing?

Thanks for your help!

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