🇳🇱Netherlands @Maurice M.

Account created on 5 August 2014, over 10 years ago

Recent comments

🇳🇱Netherlands Maurice M.

I'm experiencing the same problem: "Google reCAPTCHA v3 validation failed: The response parameter is invalid or malformed. Expected action did not match "

Using the same versions:
ReCAPTCHA v3 Module version : 2.0.2
CAPTCHA Module version : 2.0.5

🇳🇱Netherlands Maurice M.

Ah good to know there is a workaround for forked repo's. Thanks for the info.

Is there a way to use your unmerged commit with composer, with something like: composer require drupal/file_download:dev-1.x#30f53853?

We need a developer of this module to merge your commit, I'm afraid that could take a while.

🇳🇱Netherlands Maurice M.

I think the composer.lock file does not look at patches. If you try to update to Drupal 10 with this patch then you get composer errors because it expects D8 or D9 in the requirements.

It would be nice if this can be merged in a version we can require with composer.

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