Account created on 9 April 2014, almost 11 years ago

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🇨🇭Switzerland condor616

Thank you @prem-suthar.
In the case of big_datatable, we are not tied to a specific content type, which gives us flexibility but also has its downsides.

When generating the table (via config page), the big_datatable specifies the URL path under which this table should be accessible.
The downside of this, is that the page/URL will only contain the table. No other content (apart from blocks) will be applicable to that page.

🇨🇭Switzerland condor616

Hi @sirclickalot, thank you for raising the issue.
We are currently using this module in our project (D10), and we are planning to migrate to D11 next year.

I wasn't aware of the "csvfile_formatter" module. We'll also do some feature comparison and see whether if fits our purposes.

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